On April 3rd, 2013 the judgment on the Revolutionary Struggle case was a slight improvement of the prosecutor’s proposal. The court’s decision on the Revolutionary Struggle case: Defendants who have denied participation in the organization – Acquittal of Marie Beraha, Sarantos Nikitopoulos and Kostas Katsenos of all charges (on benefit […]
Pola Roupa
Let me begin by commenting on the main accusation against us, that we have founded a ‘terrorist organization,’ by which ‘we were targeting the country’s established constitutional order seeking its overthrow or even its alteration.’ I would like to underline this point. This charge by itself is the biggest proof […]
Latest information on the court proceeding that the International Red Aid has disseminated: The prosecutor proposed the sentencing of the three admitted members of the Revolutionary Struggle, Pola Roupa, Nikos Maziotis and Kostas Gournas, even though no evidence was presented in court that would substantiate their involvement in the specific […]
November 24th In the context of three days of solidarity with the Revolutionary Struggle case, we placed five banners at the Athens University of Economics and Business (ASOEE), the Law School (Nomiki) and the old faculty of Chemistry (Chimio), in downtown Athens. Solidarity with the Revolutionary Struggle members and those […]
Anarchist solidarians in Madrid released two pamphlets which contain translations of summaries of trial sessions in Koridallos women’s prisons and political statements of prosecuted comrades, as well as interventions in the two-day event ‘For the Struggle and the Revolution,’ that was held on June 7-8, 2012 in Athens, and other […]
Click on photo to read the statement of anarchist Jean Weir in defense of the three Revolutionary Struggle members to the terror-court in Koridallos prisons. You may also read ‘Armed Struggle and the Revolutionary Movement,’ a brief presentation by Jean Weir of Elephant Editions during an international conference called by […]
Background information and constant updates in English on Revolutionary Struggle Case and Actforfreedomnow! Social revolution is not a past; it is the present and future of the world. Regarding the call for international solidarity and action As assembly for the Revolutionary Struggle case and in continuance of solidarity actions for […]
Tuesday, July 24th, 2012 For Lambros-Viktoras Maziotis Roupas’ birthday Born behind prison bars, the visible ones, that hide the heavens The human guards, the cops and crows, the patrons of quiet sleep were the midwife of yours You celebrated your first birthday with the shadows cast by steel barriers… Bourgeois […]
From Switzerland I send my warmest revolutionary salutes to you, comrades, on the occasion of your event-festival on the 7th and 8th of June in Greece! The themes of your meeting—history, actuality and perspective of the international social revolution—are of crucial importance and more timely than ever, in these times […]
This trial is a political trial in which revolutionaries are judged, who chose armed struggle to fight for the overthrow of capitalism and the State, the overthrow of the criminal regime that you, as judges, defend. Your court is a special court set up under the orders of the American […]
Kostas Katsenos is still remanded in custody, accused for the case of Revolutionary Struggle, whose trial is underway. On Tuesday, March 27th, the comrade will appear before the Appellate Judges Council that will decide upon the extension of his pretrial incarceration or his release, since he has completed already 6 […]
Declaration of the members of Revolutionary Struggle on February 6th, 2012, regarding the armed scuffle of Dafni, in which Lambros Foundas was killed in battle with the police The repressive operation against the Revolutionary Struggle started with an armed scuffle in Dafni on March 10th, 2010, when our comrade Lambros […]