The discussion event ‘Armed Struggle, Revolutionary Movement and Social Revolution’ with phone-call intervention from anarchist prisoner Nikos Maziotis, member of the Revolutionary Struggle, will finally take place on Wednesday the 5th of November 2014, at 5pm, in the Athens Polytechnic School, Exarchia.
Occupied Social Centre VOX
In the early hours of Tuesday, June 3rd, at about 02:30, unknown people fired at least 5 shots at the main entrance of the squatted social centre K*VOX. Two of the bullets pierced the outer metal blinds, shattering the glass front entrance door. [Photos: 1, 2.] Luckily, at the time, […]
[vimeo][/vimeo] Exarchia Self-organized Health Structure (ADYE) —psychologist, general practitioner/radiologist, special tutor–child psychologist, gynecologist, speech therapist The Exarchia Self-organized Health Structure is an undertaking created through a general assembly of residents, social projects and collectives that live and act in the district of Exarchia. It’s addressed to the local community of […]
In the early hours of Sunday the 17th of November, as I returned home, I saw “Kalaitzidis : Grammos–Vitsi” spray-painted at the entrance along with the Celtic cross and the initials “X.A.” on it, which stand for Chrissi Avgi, the Golden Dawn neo-Nazi party [Grammos and Vitsi are two mountains […]
Inside the squatted social centre VOX, which is situated on the corner of Arachovis and Themistocleous streets at Exarchia Square, there is now a fundraising kit for the comrade who was shot by a cop with tear gas canister straight in his eye, during the evening march in response to […]
Rebetiko revelry of financial aid to imprisoned fighters Live music, food and drinks Sunday, June 9th by 13.00, at the squatted social centre VOX, Exarchia ‘We support the prisoners in struggle morally, politically, materially’ Athens assembly of the Solidarity Fund for imprisoned and persecuted fighters Source
Our comrade and member of the squatted social centre VOX, anarchist Stella Antoniou, who is accused of alleged participation in an armed organization and currently stands trial, is facing a serious health problem for which there is no specialized hospital in Greece. In April 2013, she has scheduled an appointment […]
On Thursday evening, February 7th, an event-discussion took place in the occupied social centre VOX in Exarchia with participants in squatting projects of the past and the present in Athens, such as Valtetsiou (1981), Charilaou Trikoupi (1985), Lelas Karagianni 37 (since 1988), Villa Amalias (1990), Fylis and Ferron (1991), Alkamenous […]
The Occupied Social Centre VOX, one of the two buildings that were evicted by police in Exarchia on April 20th, was re-occupied the next day by anarchists, neighbours and other people in solidarity, who tore down the steel plates sealing off its entrances. On April 26th a few of the […]
As we reported, on April 20th cops raided the squatted building οn 60, Valtetsiou Street in Exarchia (property of the state-run ‘Social Insurance Institute’–IKA). Three persons were arrested during this eviction. They were kept at a police station, brought before prosecutor (accused of illegal entry), and two of them were […]
In the first days of 2012, people involved in the anarchist/anti-authoritarian milieu occupied the VOX building (property of the state-run ‘Social Insurance Institute’–IKA) in Exarchia square, in an effort to turn it into an open social centre. ‘ΒΟΞ’ was the name of a former open-air cinema in the same building, […]