In the early hours of May 23rd 2016, three anarchists were arrested near a parking lot in the Warsaw district of Włochy for allegedly placing a homemade explosive device under a cop car in an attempt to attack the local police station. The three comrades – aged 17, 31 and […]
mass media
In the night between the 28th and 29th April, the premises of La Dépèche Intéractive were attacked. Naked, drunk or isolated, we are not prey! La Dépèche isn’t an un-attackable fortress. All big companies have their weaknesses, its for us to be inventive, cunning and insightful enough, to find them. […]
Originally received November 2nd: Since the beginning of FLIFEA [the 1st Autonomous and Feminist Book Fair in Porto Alegre], we suffered machist and fascist persecutions and aggressions, with threats, provocations and hostile presences, which were noticed and addressed at all time. But what happened this Sunday night (November 1st 2015) […]
Note of Contra Info: In early January 2014, while on furlough, Christodoulos Xiros, convicted member of the Marxist-Leninist revolutionary organization 17 November (17Ν), did not voluntarily return to prison. The Greek police placed a huge bounty on his head, in addition to launching a series of raids in Athens and […]
“(…) Human strike, today, means refusing to play the role of the victim. Attacking it. Reappropriating violence. Arrogating impunity to ourselves. Making the paralyzed citizens understand that whether or not they go to war they are at war anyway. That when people tell us it’s either you do this or […]
Original communiqué received on September 18th, 2014 “Life is so boring there is nothing to do except spend all our wages on the latest skirt or shirt. Brothers and Sisters, what are your real desires? Sit in the drugstore, look distant, empty, bored, drinking some tasteless coffee? Or perhaps blow […]
On July 16th, 2014 the armed dogs of the establishment unleashed a fierce manhunt, and comrade Nikos Maziotis, member of the Revolutionary Struggle, was hit by a cop’s bullet and fell covered in blood. The comrade gave his battle against the cops that were chasing him. The state apparatus in […]
Hidden underneath the media spectacle around the 2013 early summer riots in the suburbs of Stockholm (Husby being the epicentre) lies the constant social tension in segregated areas of Sweden (see Social tension and anarchist intervention in Sweden, in Avalanche #2, p.23). Rinkeby, a suburb neighbouring to Husby, turned up […]
previous updates here Below is a brief update from street protest against the besiege of the refugee squat in Ohlauer Street, in Kreuzberg, threatened with complete eviction since the 24th of June. We write this down to share what we experienced on July 1st, hoping that it can somehow help […]
According to a brief report from the 26th of June, here, cops have announced that they will enter the school very soon to “check the situation”. There is a danger that they will use this action to evict the place entirely. Also, they are obviously trying to disturb the cell […]
We are forced once again to talk about things which should be obvious, hoping and wanting this to be the last time we do so. We refer to two texts published on Monday night, January 20th, on ‘Inter Arma’, one by Gerasimos Tsakalos and another by people in solidarity with […]
Or: Why misinformation should concern us all, in our attempt to produce counter-information… Finally on January 25th, 2014 the infamous by now “” released a text claiming that they (but who are they really?) are sorry to inform everyone they made a mistake by revealing that Maria Paulina Inefavel Lorandi […]