On Wednesday, December 5th, 2012 the residents of the Borel favela (Morro do Borel, occupied since 1921 in Rio de Janeiro) went out in the streets in a collective effort to break the curfew that the cops of the local UPP (‘Police Pacification Unit’) have imposed in the area since […]
liberated spaces
Main text for the demonstration in solidarity with squats, which was held on 1.12.2012 on the streets of downtown Athens, starting from Victoria square: KEEP YOUR HANDS AWAY FROM THE SQUATS SOLIDARITY TO SQUATS AND SELF-ORGANIZED SOCIAL CENTRES In a legality that is plundering our lives, we remain clusters of […]
The poster reads: Saturday, November 24th, Thessaloniki: Demo against the golden death Gathering location: White Tower of Thessaloniki (Lefkos Pyrgos), by 11am After the demo, there will be an open discussion/assembly for upcoming actions at the Ciné ‘Alexandros’ Counter-information events: Thursday, November 29th, 7pm: Ioannina, in Antiviosi squat Friday, November […]
ReciKLAONICA squat, located on 66, Heinzelova Street in Zagreb, is threatened with eviction. The informal collective of artists and social activists that develops its activities in the spaces of the old abandoned Zagrepčanka factory, owned by Zagrebački Holding, is addressing a call-out for solidarity against the eviction of the squat […]
September 25th, 2012 An Open Letter to Striking Prisoners in Greece We, the Red and Black Umbrella Anarchist Social Centre, wish to extend solidarity to the striking prisoners of: Larissa, Trikala, Grevena, Domokos, Malandrino, Komotini, Koridallos, Patras, Corfu, Chios, Nafplion, Diavata and Alikarnassos prisons in Greece; and every rebel that […]
Since late July, Delta squat is being actively repressed by DEI (Public Power Corporation, PPC) that attempts to cut off the space’s electricity supply. The electric power company got the green light from the Alexandreio Technological Education Institute (ATEI) of Thessaloniki, which is the legal owner of the building (squatted […]
On Saturday, August 18th, at dawn, anti-riot police squads invaded the space of the occupied municipal market of Kypseli, in Athens. The Athens mayor (Kaminis) ordered the riot police to evict and shut down the building. The ‘Dimotiki Agora’ of Kypseli, on 42 Fokionos Negri Street, was built in 1935 […]
The banner which was placed at Dimarhiou Square in Veria reads: “By tearing down all authority, we built structures of autonomy and self-organization – Solidarity with Draka (Corfu), Delta (Thessaloniki) and Apertus (Agrinio) squats – Β(Α)RUTI”
“On Thursday, August 2nd, we dropped a solidarity banner in solidarity with occupied spaces, in the context of ten anti-repression days declared by the translation counter-information network Contra Info. In the same context of propaganda actions, late in the evening of Sunday, August 5th, at 22.00 (GMT+2) the anarchist radio-revolt will […]
We demand freedom for the May 1st prisoners | July 21st, 2012 On Tuesday, July 10th, 2012 the police raided the homes of comrades. The majority of them are between 18 and 20 years old. It is obvious that repression is aiming at young people to show them that their […]
The poster reads: On June 27th, 2012, the members of the R.O. Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and anarchist Theofilos Mavropoulos will stand trial charged with ‘incitement to criminal acts’, according to the provisions of Article 184 of the Greek Penal Code. The indictment refers to three different texts—of which […]
THEY’VE TRIED EVERYTHING TO BURY US, BUT THEY FORGOT THAT WE ARE SEEDS. We occupy the empty buildings. We base our life on equality and solidarity. The roots of self-organization are spreading by diffusing revolutionary projectualities, until the foundations of every form of oppression are demolished. Against the reality of […]