On Wednesday afternoon, September 18th—hours after the assassination of Pavlos Fyssas by parastatal scumbags of the Golden Dawn was made known—an antifascist demonstration took place in the city of Mytilini, on Lesvos Island. The “Assembly for generalized self-determination” held a pre-gathering at Sapfous Square by 6pm. An hour later, the […]
On Wednesday the 18th September the 34-year Pavlos Fyssas was murdered by a member of the neo-Nazi party in Greece. This is by far not the only murder lately. Freedom-loving people, like Fyssas or the countless migrants who are fighting for a better life for themselves and for all, are […]
Yesterday night, 30/8, we visited uninvited the private resort that the family of Epirus regional governor, Alekos Kachrimanis, maintains at the city of Ioannina. There occurred a feast for the celebration of his name day. We couldn’t have missed the chance to be there to wish happy name day to […]
On Monday, August 19th, the first refugees and asylum seekers from Syria, Russia, Serbia and Vietnam arrived in the freshly inaugurated ‘refugee shelter’ in Hellersdorf, on the outskirts of Berlin. They were welcomed by antifascist comrades, who opposed a racist mob of residents as well as organized neo-Nazis that deployed […]
On July 18th, 2013 fascist islamophobists along with autonomous nationalists were gathered once again in Neapoli, Exarchia, carrying Greek national flags under the cloak of the so-called “Action of independent citizens” to protest the authorized construction of a mosque in Votanikos neighbourhood of Athens. Their “Christian” mottos simply outline their […]
On April 2nd, 2013, the judges of the court of appeal delivered their verdict on the case of Ibrahim El Louar, who was initially sentenced to two years in prison following an escape from the Palaiseau detention centre for migrants on December 16th, 2012. In the appeal trial, the charges […]
The daily arrests and brutal treatment of ‘undocumented’ migrants in the framework of the Greek police’s mass pogroms under the welcoming name ‘Xenios Zeus’, which include beatings, humiliations and tortures in police vans, in the dungeons of police stations and the notorious ‘detention centres,’ are an integral part of the […]
On January 18th, 2013, the Évry court sentenced Ibrahim El Louar to two year imprisonment and imposed him a fine of 1,200 euros for damages to cops. He is accused of participation in the escape of five persons from the Palaiseau detention centre for migrants on December 16th, 2012. Ibrahim […]
On December 16th, 2012 five people tried to get away from the Massy-Palaiseau detention centre. Four would make it but the fifth person, Ibrahim, was caught by the police that beat him up. He was taken into custody, held for two days and then brought before a judge, accused of […]
On February 1st, 2013 at around 20.30pm immigrant street vendors in the neighbourhood of Thissio were chased off by the Athens municipal police, trapping one of them in a corner just above the rails of the Thissio metro station. When the cops attempted to steal the worker’s merchandise by shoving […]
Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind. —Albert Einstein (1921) Antifascists gathered in front of the Greek Embassy in Nicosia on the 21st of January 2013 to protest over the murder of a 26-year-old immigrant from Pakistan, Shehzad Luqman. In the early morning hours of Thursday, […]