SUPERMARKET EXPROPRIATIONS – WAR AGAINST THE BOSSES Nowadays, nothing is more infuriating than watching the bosses keeping on the same feast of lies, acting as if nothing has happened, as if a bright future awaits us within capitalism; as if the attack that we experience is simply a digression caused […]
On Wednesday, November 30rd, another supermarket expropriation was carried out in the southern Athens neighborhood of Nea Smyrni. As the comrades who took part in the direct action write in their communiqué: United by shared class-conscious interests, the world’s producers of wealth must respond every day to those who dominate […]
Two more supermarket expropriations were carried out on November 19th in separate Athens neighbourhoods. At around 6 pm, a group of people expropriated staple foods from a supermarket on Soultani Street in Exarchia. Earlier in the morning, another group of comrades had expropriated a supermarket in Galatsi, sharing out the […]
During the morning of Thursday, October 20th, a group of about 50 anarchists carried out a supermarket expropriation in the city of Patras. The group expropriated a large quantity of food and immediately distributed it among people in an open-air market located near the supermarket. As the group explain in […]
trial of 11 minors accused with the anti-terrorism law On December 9th the trial of 11 underage students, accused with the anti-terrorism law for setting up a criminal association because they participated in the uprising of December 2008, takes place in Larissa. On November 27th, a nationwide demonstration against anti-terrorist […]
On Wednesday 3rd of November, dozens of comrades expropriated products from the AB Vassilopoulos supermarket at Labrini district. Some of the comrades were blocking the street outside the supermarket holding a banner, distributing flyers and shouting slogans, while the rest of the group was expropriating the products from within. The […]