During the night of Wednesday October 19th we took part, alongside many other groups and individualities, in the street clashes around the Polytechnic in Exarchia, that lasted for several hours with constant attacks with molotovs, stones and fireworks against antiriot police squads. Street clashes, in any of their forms (exiting […]
The night between Friday and Saturday 15th of October 2016, some chaotic individualities joined the crowd of rebels that attacked with Molotov cocktails against the scumbags of the anti-riot police (MAT) outside the headquarters of PASOK party on Charilaou Trikoupi St. in Exarchia. With this small gesture of violence we […]
On Saturday evening October 1st, that was proposed by ABC cell as international day of solidarity with the U$ prison struggle, we spray-painted slogans in the streets of Exarchia. DEATH TO THE JAILERS Themistokleous 58 Squat th58@riseup.net
In the early hours of Sunday, September 25th, a group of comrades participated in the street clashes erupting at Tositsa St., outside the Polytechnic, in Exarchia, Athens. We attacked with molotovs and stones against the cops, not only for what they are -puppets of the State- but also to send […]
From the wing 58 of this open air prison called Athens we send our warmest greetings to the U.$. prison rebels and all those taking action in solidarity with them around the globe. We understand your fight to end prison slavery as a call to end prison society as a […]
On August 4th 2016, an info event was held at Themistokleous 58 squat in Exarchia (Athens), with the participation of Contra Info translation counter-info network and ABC Solidarity Cell, where a comrade from Portland ABC discussed details about the US wide mobilization against prison slavery and white supremacy on the […]
AGAINST PRISON SLAVERY | CONTRA LA ESCLAVITUD CARCELARIA | ΕΝΑΝΤΙΑ ΣΤΗ ΣΚΛΑΒΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΦΥΛΑΚΗΣ On September 9th 1971, prisoners took over and shut down Attica, New York State’s most notorious hellhole. On September 9th 2016, prisoners in struggle will launch work stoppages and other actions to shut down prisons all […]
London: Resistance against Immigration Raids & Perspectives of Rebellion DISCUSSION | Thursday July 7th at 20:00, Gini building Athens Polytechnic School (entrance from Stournari St.), Exarchia Themistokleous 58 squat & anarchist counter-info sites Rabble LDN and Contra info
Received June 29th: On June 8th 2016, we occupied a building on 96 Themistokleous Street in Exarchia with the aim of building a community based political space. As a diverse group with a variety of backgrounds we were aware that although we had many common goals and the same political […]
A privately-owned building located on 96, Themistokleous Street in the neighbourhood of Exarchia was squatted just a few days ago. On June 14th 2016, the new Kleous 96 squat was raided by cops. Three squatters were arrested and taken to Athens police headquarters. Later the same day, the building was […]
Since April 21st 2016, we have occupied an abandoned private house on 119, Zoodochou Pigis Street. It’s Cat’s spirit, where we want to have a base for anarchist people, especially new people arriving in Exarchia. The plan is to create an open space for both anarchists and refugee activists, but […]
The last days of May, in the centre of Athens, we torched two ATMs of Alpha Bank, as well as an excavator used for the metro line extension in the area of Exarchia. We perceive the State’s effort to upgrade the control and disciplining mechanism as a way of establishing […]