Contra Info
Next stop of the Europe info tour of Contra Info is the city of Madrid, in the territory controlled by the Spanish State. On Friday, April 19th, 2013, by 19.00, the anarchist space Magdalena hosts an evening of support to our imprisoned comrades in Greece. Join the event and bring […]
In the context of the solidarity info tour of Contra Info in Europe, members of the network will carry out activities in two squats of Lausanne, Switzerland. On April 5th, 2013 we meet at the Loc(A)motive squat, in order to carry out a trash art workshop for children of all […]
In the context of an everyday struggle against the existent, and aiming at the diffusion of factual solidarity with anarchist prisoners in the Greek dungeons, members of Contra Info translation counter-information network will carry out a series of events in various European cities, spreading information on cases of imprisoned comrades. […]
Direct Action Campaign in defense of liberated spaces and imprisoned comrades worldwide Squat the empty homes! Demolish the prison society! source
In the afternoon of January 10th, compas from Contra Info placed a banner on the railings in the perimeter of the Greek Embassy in Mexico, as a small gesture of solidarity with our kidnapped comrades in the evictions of Villa Amalias and Skaramaga squat during the morning/afternoon of January 9th […]
“Those who want to understand will understand. Now is the time to break the invisible cells that chain each and everyone to his or her pathetic little life. And this does not require solely or necessarily one to attack police stations and torch shopping centres and banks. The time that […]
We make a call out for ten days of propaganda actions, in as many places as possible, aiming to promote struggles which are more or less known but also entirely unknown to many people. Individuals and/or groups who wish to join in these ten days will choose the thematic and […]
Από την Αθήνα μέχρι το Λονδίνο και από το Σαντιάγο μέχρι το Τορίνο Φωτιά στους νόμους σφαίρες στους αστυνόμους και για κάθε ναζί βενζίνα και στουπί Απ’ το Βερολίνο μέχρι τη Μαδρίτη κι από τη Λισαβόνα μέχρι το Ελσίνκι βία στη βία της κάθε εξουσίας στο δρόμο της φωτιάς και […]
On Sunday, March 11th, several comrades coming from different countries took part in the open assembly of Contra Info in Athens. So, the following day we were able to carry out a symbolic action of both international solidarity and counter-information, placing banners about four important cases in different parts of […]
Yesterday, August 2nd, members of Contra Info put up an English banner in solidarity with Skaramaga squat at the yard of Athens Polytechnic School (Polytechnio), in Patission street. Also, the following counter-information text regarding the police raid in Skaramaga squat — in English and French — was distributed during the […]