Discussion event in solidarity with anarchist prisoners in Greece Sunday, November 16th, 2014 at 17:00 in the Ateneo Izar Beltz In collaboration with Contra Info 15, Andres Isasi Street, Irala, Bilbao (exactly at the secondary exit door of Renfe’s Ametzola station)
Contra Info
In August 2014, Radioazione.org [“RadioAzione | controinformazione anarchica in diretta”] translated and transmitted in Italian one of the latest letters of comrade Pola Roupa (Revolutionary Struggle member who is currently on the run, always with a huge bounty on her head). The source of their translation – titled “Grecia: Scritto […]
Members of Contra Info translation counter-information network have been invited to participate in the second day of the 4th edition of Resist Festival in Warsaw. On Saturday, June 14th, from 17pm, we make a brief contribution in solidarity with anti-repression struggles in Greece and the rebellion in face of repression […]
Contra Info interview with Claudio Lavazza, a compa who has been imprisoned in the cells of the Spanish State since 1996; the interview was presented in the event in solidarity with long-term anarchist prisoners that took place on January 11, 2014, at La Gatonera, a squatted social centre in Madrid. […]
On Saturday, January 11th, the squatted social centre La Gatonera, located on 9, Amistad Street in the district of Carabanchel, Madrid, hosts an info event in solidarity with anarchist prisoners facing long sentences worldwide. We meet at 18:30 and begin counter-information talk, with the aim to publicize some of the […]
Two banners were hanged in the streets of Athens by members of Contra Info as a small sign of counter-informative solidarity. One banner was raised at the entrance to the Polytechnic School of Athens, on Patission Street: “We speak wherever we want about whatever we want. Freedom for the Barcelona […]
Monday, June 17th, by 6pm (GMT+2) on Radiofragmata A free talk with our comrades from Chile and Brazil about various different topics of interest to anarchists, glimpses of the situation in Latin America, Greece, etc. The recording was made by Contra Info on the 13th of May 2013 and the […]
Below is an interview with participants in the Loc(A)motive squat that was made possible on the occasion of counter-information gatherings in Lausanne. Since April 8th, Loc(A)motive is in danger of eviction, and the squatters are organizing a defense of the house. So, this would be the time to support them […]
Wednesday, May 8th, at 19pm in New Yorck 59 im Bethanien Saturday, May 11th, at 20pm in K19 Café The evening will be completed with an open mic session (DIY jamming and singing) and a solidarity kitchen In Greece more than twenty anarchists are currently locked up in prisons, and […]
Monday, 22 April, by 19.00 at La Gatonera Event in solidarity with anarchist prisoners in Greece with the participation of comrades from contrainfo.espiv.net and the live intervention of imprisoned comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire including café and tapas bar —donations welcome Within our solidarity info tour we […]
In the context of diffusion of factual solidarity with anarchist prisoners in the Greek dungeons, on Saturday, April 27th, 2013, we meet at the Centro de Cultura Libertária, an anarchist space in Cacilhas, Almada, by 4pm, where there will be discussion and benefit vegan kitchen. On Monday, April 29th, by […]