On the morning of November 19, 2015, Kevin, 18 years old, in complicity with the night, rode his bicycle to the perimeter of the Gendarmerie School of San Bernardo, armed with a bomb, a lighter and a blade. After the detonation, the police bastard who came after his steps after […]
received 08.08.2018 –What is a prison? Prison is a material structure through which it is intended to inhibit the acts of any person who transgresses the conduct imposed by the State. Thus, punishment and the imposition of socially accepted discipline are the regime in which the captives have to live, […]
Banner in memory of comrade Javier Recabarren 29.03.2018 During the “Day of the Young Combatant” we have made a banner in memory of the anarchist Javier Recabarren who died three years ago, run over by a transantiago bus. His action mode, relative to street battle and anti-speciesism calls, or anti-prison […]
received on 15.03.18 [black and insurrect memory] Viva Javier Recabarren, anarchist! He roamed the streets of Santiago do Chile with full conviction of what he felt, against a terrorist police, against a society that mistreatsand tortures human beings and other animals. His deep revolt against thegrids of cages and prisons […]
Solidarity Concentration for the Freedom of Nataly, Enrique and Juan Wednesday, November 22, from 10:00 in the courts of Rondizzoni, Santiago
Graffiti mural for anarchist comrade Santiago Maldonado [vsw id=”243465868″ source=”vimeo” width=”620″ height=”344″ atoplay=”no”]
Eve of 11 September. We threw pamphlets and put a banner – to steps away from where our library project works – where could read: ” NO ONE IS FORGOTTEN – NOTHING IS SETTLED – MEMORY TO THE F@LLEN” From somewhere in the Chilean territory Anti-authoritarian Library Libertad Winter, 2017 […]
Received and revised at 05/09/17 This is a letter from the libertarian prisoner Marcelo Villarroel concerning the case of Santiago Maldonado who is still missing. It also has a call for action. His words are welcome by us!!! Fire to the prisons!!! We want our comrade Santiago Maldonado alive now!!! […]
09.08.2017. The anarchist comrade Santiago Maldonado has disappeared after the raid of the Argentine police to the Mapuche community in resistance, where he was in solidarity on 1 of August. From the other side of the mountain range, we send a minimal gesture of support to those who strive for […]
Members of the Anonymous Band for Sabotage in the early hours of June 18 made a sealing of two padlocks from a Teletrak betting office located in Santiago. Earlier we harassed their customers with an undesirable noise, this time we went by their locks. “…We will continue breaking your windows, […]
On December 16th 2016, the Supreme Court announced its decision on the appeal filed by the defense of anarchists Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero, who were each sentenced to 12 years in prison at first instance. Their sentence was reduced to 4½ years of imprisonment, in addition to 143,317 euros […]