This text was originally published in French by Contra Info, March 2015. The following news round-up is the second in a series of translations by Person(s) Unknown Publications, as part of a new brochure in the making on the struggle against the maxi-prison in Haren, Brussels: January-February 2015 Descent of […]
This analysis was originally published in “Ricochets” n° 1 in November 2014, a newsletter in French on the struggle against the construction of the maxi-prison in Haren, Brussels. The following text is the first in a series of translations by Person(s) Unknown Publications, as part of a new brochure in […]
April 5th 2015 Solidarity with prisoners! Abolition of the 187, 187A, anti-hoodie, and type C prison laws! Abolition of the use of DNA as legal evidence! Freedom for Savvas Xiros! Courage and strength to Nikos Maziotis and to all prisoners on hunger strike!
On April 4th 2015, the International Red Aid (RHI) hung a banner (see video) on Rue du Lombard in Brussels, Belgium. in Spanish | see updates from the hunger strike
In response to the call from the Network of Imprisoned Fighters, we tagged the headquarters of Deutsche Bank in Brussels in solidarity with political prisoners in Greece and in support of their demands. Since March 2nd, 22 anarchist prisoners and 8 (type-C) prisoners of DHKP-C have been on hunger strike […]
Report published in Ricochets n° 04, the newsletter against the maxi-prison [a massive prison-complex] and the world that goes with it: In the last week of February, a group of people brought down nearly half of the 400 Heras fences that had just been installed with the aim of surrounding […]
On Tuesday the 2nd of December 2014, we burned three vehicles belonging to members of the European Parliament. The attack took place near the Général Lartigue Avenue in Brussels. This action is an act of offensive solidarity with anarchist Romanos, currently on hunger strike. Solidarity with the anarchist and revolutionary […]
Bxl — Solidarity arson with Testet In the night between the 4th and 5th of November, an excavator and a drilling machine were burned on the construction site in Vandenbranden street in the centre of Brussels. A slogan was spray-painted on the spot: “For Rémi”. They gentrify, we destroy!
Source: La Cavale A video (from 2013, in French) against the construction of a maxi-prison in Brussels here.
In the night from Thursday to Friday (August 29th, 2014), as part of the International Week of Solidarity with anarchist prisoners, we painted FREEDOM FOR NIKOS MAZIOTIS on the embassy of Greece in Brussels. Nikos Maziotis is an anarchist prisoner, member of the urban guerrilla group Revolutionary Struggle. Imprisoned several […]
… BEGINNING OF MESSAGE… 18-12-2013… STOP… 32, Square Ambiorix, in Brussels… STOP… arson on BMW of Georgios Papastamkos… STOP… Vice-President of the European Parliament… STOP… member of Nea Dimokratia party, Greece… STOP… solidarity with anarchists kidnapped by the State… END OF MESSAGE…
The court date for the double robbery in Velventos (near Kozani) is set for November 29, 2013. Initially the proceeding was due to take place in the Court of Appeals in Athens. However, the location for the trial was recently transferred to the special courtroom inside Koridallos women’s prison, because […]