According to the Afghan Refugees Committee, another fascist attack against an immigrant occurred on Tuesday night, August 16th, near Attiki Square (downtown Athens). A gang of seven neo-Nazis attacked a 25-year-old immigrant who was seriously injured and hospitalized. The next day people denounced the fascist attack in Aghios Panteleimonas police […]
A few days ago the municipal administration of Athens, having as pioneer the mayor Giorgos Kaminis, conceded a municipal building on 159, Filolaou Street to the Nazi gang Chrissi Avgi (Golden Dawn), in order to accommodate their party offices. The particular office was designed for the needs of the regional […]
Comrades from Buissonnière squat in the Parisian suburb of Fontenay-sous-Bois put up a banner in Greek, in solidarity with Patission 61 & Skaramaga squat (Athens).
Athens free radio station 98 FM organizes a concert on Friday, July 8th, at 22.00 (GMT+2), in the courtyard of the Polytechnic School (Polytechnio, Patission Street —entrance from Stournari Street). The groups ACHAIREFTOI, METHISMENA XOTIKA, INDICO, WAXING GIBBOUS will play live. Revenues will also be collected for the equipment’s fund […]
Solidarity initiative’s announcement for the financial support of those arrested at the general strike of June 28th–29th: This initiative was created on Friday, July 1rst, and consists of arrestees and people in solidarity. The purpose of our initiative is to help meet the high-cost bails and juridical expenses that were […]
Six of the arrestees of the demonstration of June 28th, who have been charged with felonies, will appear before the prosecutor on Friday, July 1st. The 17 arrestees of the demo of June 29th remain in custody at police HQ. On Thursday morning (30/6) they were transferred to Evelpidon courts […]
On Saturday, June 18th, at 11am we gather at Eleftheroton Square in the northern suburb of Halandri to continue our protests against the murderous fur trade; against all those who believe that they can continue undisturbed the untold pain and their despicable enrichment. FUR INDUSTRY: A well hidden death trade
Presentation–Talk about the edition ‘Archaeology of Violence,’ a series of essays by Pierre Clastres Friday, June 17th, at 20.30 in Autonomo Steki (Autonomous Hangout), 95-97, Zoodohou Pigis & Isavron St., Exarchia, Athens in the framework of the Discussions’ Circle in the Self-organized Lending Library
Down with the State and capitalism Social revolution for anarchy Wednesday, June 15th: GENERAL STRIKE Gathering at 11:00 am, at the [National Archaeological] Museum [Athens] Anarchists’ Assembly for Social Self-determination
The popular assembly of Syntagma square called for the blockade of parliament — The new IMF agreement shall not pass On June 11th the popular assembly of Syntagma Square announced a call to blockade the Greek parliament ahead of the voting of the so-called Mid-term agreement between the Greek government […]
The loneliness… doesn’t have the sorrowful colour of the cloudy chick in the eyes. She’s not wandering indolently and abstractly shaking her hips inside concert halls and icy museums. She’s not yellow picture frames of ‘good’ old times and naphthalene inside the chests of granny violet ribbons and wicker straw […]
Τwo-day events for self-organization of film production and labour claims will take place at Ciné Philippe (ΣΙΝΕ ΦΙΛΙΠ, Thassou 11 & Ι.Drossopoulou Str., at Amerikis square) in Athens, on June 2nd and 3rd, with screenings of films and documentaries, as well as a discussion on Friday evening. The events are […]