The night between Friday and Saturday 15th of October 2016, some chaotic individualities joined the crowd of rebels that attacked with Molotov cocktails against the scumbags of the anti-riot police (MAT) outside the headquarters of PASOK party on Charilaou Trikoupi St. in Exarchia. With this small gesture of violence we […]
anarchist prisoners
SCRIPTA MANENT? ACTA NON VERBA! “Written words remain”? Deeds, not words! In the face of repression that has struck anarchist comrades in Italy (Op. Scripta Manent), in the face of our enemies -the State and Capital- we still and always think that the best solidarity is attack. They are paying […]
In response to the repression suffered by anarchist comrades living in the region dominated by the Italian State, by the DIGOS (Division of General Investigations and Special Operations) in the context of “Scripta Manent” operation, we burned down an SUV belonging to the Presidency of the Argentine Nation on September […]
Since September 28th 2016, the imprisoned compañeros Fernando Bárcenas, Abraham Cortés (in Mexico City’s Reclusorio Norte) and Luis Fernando Sotelo (in Mexico City’s Reclusorio Sur) have undertaken hunger strike, while Miguel Peralta (in Oaxaca’s Cuicatlán prison) abstains from prison meals. Their joint struggle, marking three years since the imprisonment of […]
Report from Holman | September 27th 2016 About 12:00am a prisoner was stabbed by another prisoner while in the bed asleep. The disturbance came after the perpetrator ran out the dorm. The pigs let the prisoner in C-dorm even after being told earlier not let anyone in C-dorm by prisoners […]
As a gesture of solidarity with the recently imprisoned comrades in Italy and the Czech Republic, we hung a banner in downtown Athens, which reads: “Armed attack until the crushing of the civilization of Power & enforcement; for all the captive anarchist sisters and brothers; for all our stolen moments. […]
Last weekend, individuals handed out zines and dropped a banner at TRESPASS (DIY Punk show) to raise awareness and support for the Warsaw 3; three anarchist arrested and charged under new anti-terror laws. Donations were also collected to go towards their legal costs. On the 28th September 7pm, there’s an […]
On August the 2nd 2016 the Italian police stormed the house of anarchist Divine Umoru in the city of Bologna arresting him under the accusation of possessing explosive materials for fabricating bombs. The comrade was first send to the prison of Bologna and then transferred to the high security section […]
The Warsaw 3 have been arrested in May and kept since then in a high security jail with very limited contact to the outside and are facing severe sentences under the new anti-terrorist and anti-anarchist laws. They are still awaiting trial. Today during a court hearing concerning the filed complaint […]
On August 4th 2016, an info event was held at Themistokleous 58 squat in Exarchia (Athens), with the participation of Contra Info translation counter-info network and ABC Solidarity Cell, where a comrade from Portland ABC discussed details about the US wide mobilization against prison slavery and white supremacy on the […]
We dropped a banner from the main entrance of the Polytechnic School in the city centre of Xanthi, reading: “Respect and solidarity to the arrested comrades of FAI”. Our thoughts go out to the comrades arrested for FAI attacks in Italy and all incarcerated comrades everywhere.
On September 6th 2016, Torino’s section of the DIGOS antiterrorist unit unleashed an anti-anarchist operation under the name “Scripta Manent”. House searches were conducted in various regions of Italy. Anarchists Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai, incarcerated since September 2012 for kneecapping Adinolfi (Olga Cell FAI/FRI), received a new arrest notification […]