Banner in memory of comrade Javier Recabarren 29.03.2018 During the “Day of the Young Combatant” we have made a banner in memory of the anarchist Javier Recabarren who died three years ago, run over by a transantiago bus. His action mode, relative to street battle and anti-speciesism calls, or anti-prison […]
received 4/6/18 THIS IS THE STATEMENT FROM THE ZAD ASSEMBLY OF USES – 3rd April 2018 On February 10th, a few weeks after the airport project was dropped, dozens of thousands of people converged again to Notre-Dame-des-Landes to root the future of the zad. Since then, the assembly of uses(*) […]
received on 06.04.18 Belarusian state prolongs attack on anarchist web-resources. Recently it blocked several social media accounts of anarchist collective “Pramen” and its mirror on Read more about how Belarusian anarchists fights the state censorship on DOWN WITH CENSOR(S)HIP!
This campaign is complicit and supportive of the one which, since 2012, has become one of the symbols of the fight for the liberation of the Earth from the chains of capitalism: the resistance to defend the Hambach forest! Since 6 years people from all over the world, through blockades, […]
received on 04.04.18 Communiqué from the Portuguese Antifascist Movement In the last few weeks, several news has come to the fore in the media about the growing of the extreme-right in Portugal and about the violence perpetrated by these nazi-fascist groups. This growing wave of violence comes as no […]
received: 4/4/18 Last week saw a new wave of repression targeting anarchists in France, with raids occurring almost simultaneously in several locations. On March 27 in Toulouse, two houses were raided and two people were placed in detention, but they were taken 300km away to the city of Limoges. These […]
received on 02.04.18 We live in the old and beautiful contradiction of risking freedom while fighting for it. And they will never stop us. From Brazil to Russia, long live Anarchy We know that over the vastness of seas and continents, of mountains and jungles, warriors face, from immemorial times, […]
Appeal day 8: Tuesday, April 3rd 2018 9:00-17:00 (coffee at 8:00) Amtsgericht Mitte (Sievekingplatz 3, Hamburg) Eigth day of appeal trial – Peike would appreciate as much comrades as possible being present at the courthouse to support. Upcoming: Appeal Day 9: Thursday, April 5 2018 9:00 – 17:00 Appeal Day […]
Around 100 people gathered in Vienna on 10 pm to have a 30 minutes long spontaneous, angry and wild demonstration on the international solidarity day for Efrin. The demonstration was an expression of the rage and anger against the occupation of Efrin by NATO, the Turkish army, IS-fascists and other […]
reiceived 3/25/18 Reykjavík, Iceland March 25th 2018 Yesterday, on World Afrin Day, a memorial for the cooperation between NATO and Russia was tarred and feathered in Reykjavík, Iceland. The memorial has, since 2002, disgraced the city’s face — a constant reminder of Iceland’s humiliating submission to superpowers and military alliances. […]
received 3/24/18 This is a summary of resent support events in Finland for the repressed comrades in Russia. On the 4th of February, Anarchist Black Cross Helsinki organized “Amazing Vegan Sunday Soli Lunch” at Lymy. The event was a success. In Tampere a support gig was held on March the […]
About: This campaign was started to give an anarchist answer to the repression following to actions of the 31st of May 2017 in Nuremberg. For further information about that day and why it is important to combine our anti-rascist, anti-repression and anti-state struggles within this campaign, view the text below. […]