Received on March 10th, 2017: (These words arrived with a delay due to the restrictive communications of the Spanish extermination centers. On March 7th, 2017 Mónica and Francisco were finally released to Chile, where they were greeted with a great deal of media and repressive threats. Finally today, they have […]
It is important to announce one week before the opening of HMP Berwyn that two of the houseblocks in the prison are structurally unsound due to sabotage in 2015. After our action in May 2015 where machinery was sabotaged, we knew that to regularly attempt to attack the prison would […]
…a small, timeless poster for distributing yourself. “They restrict our free movement on the Earth’s surface by closing the borders. They restrict our free movement in the streets by steadily chasing the cops after us. And after all that we already had to suffer, they even expect us to be friendly and to negotiate with the […]
Ericsson repeater sabotaged in Genoa in solidarity with Greece’s prisoners Pola Roupa and Konstantina Athanasopoulou and the prisoners of operation Scripta Manent. Against the State. Against technology. Against armchair anarchists. Source: CNA | In Greek
Paper Chained is a journal of writings and artistic expressions from individuals affected by incarceration. We are currently seeking contributions from prisoners, ex-prisoners and family members of prisoners for our first journal publication. Please circulate this callout throughout your networks. If you are currently in prison, have experienced time in […]
The eleventh Balkan Anarchist Bookfair will take place in Zagreb from April 7th to April 9th, 2017. The bookfair will take place in AKC Medika, Pierottijeva 11 (MAP). Balkan Anarchist Bookfair (BAB) is an annual anarchist event organised each year in a different place on the Balkans. First BAB took […]
We are sending greetings of solidarity from Vienna/Austria to Thunfisch, who was arrested on November 21st 2016 in relation to the protests in solidarity with R94 on July 7th. She is beeing held captive since November 29th in the women prison JVA Lichtenberg in Berlin. On Saturday, 4th of February […]
We are writing to you from the threatened houseproject Rigaer 94 in one of Berlins once notorious squatting neighbourhoods. Our contexts might be worlds apart or really close but the reality we lived last year bears the prints of the same systematically oppressive system. In solidarity with all threatened projects, […]
New Anarchist Infoshop at the Klinika squat in Prague… is primarily a free place where everyone should feel safe. Because we know that safe area in this world based on exclusion and domination, is only illusion, we want to focus on topics and activities geared towards horizontally structured society. In infoshop you can find interesting booksmagazines, pamphlets, […]
received February 2nd 2017 No freedom of movement for WMD minions On 2nd of February, starting 06.30 AM, five anti-nuclear activists blocked the pleasantly busy morning traffic at the south gate of Her Majesty’s Naval Base Clyde (yes, they’re still having this monarchy thing going on) in Faslane, Scotland. South […]
On Saturday night, January 28th 2017, we struck the Ministry of Culture in Exarchia with Molotov cocktails. It was a small symbolic attack to remind all fascists and militarists everywhere that we don’t give a shit about national ideals. We spit on your national emblems, your uniforms, your borders and […]
On Saturday January 21st 2017, we paint-bombed the regional jail in Bern in a complete denial of all prisons. On the way back from our action, a cop van made the mistake of pursuing us and had to retreat after our determined intervention. This action was taken in solidarity with […]