How much longer will we tolerate these bastards to be in charge in our neighborhoods with their racist, chauvinistic and sadist behaviors leading to deaths (as in Aghios Panteleimonas police station) and serious wounds? Of course, these bastards are turned only against the weak people, those who don’t have anything […]
Videos – Multimedia
November 17, 2010. 37 years after the Polytechnic uprising, dynamic demonstrations took place almost nationwide. The state put thousands of cops and secret cops to enforce the “order” with brutal attacks in most cities but the state terrorism did not pass. The mass media did one-minute (and of course one-sided) […]
-At first we should point out the state’s and police’s unacceptable attitude to allow the nationalist/racist rally to approach the area of the antiracist festival Rainbow, which consists, if not a deliberate attempt to impose a logic of racists’ and antiracists’ coexistence in space and time, then for sure, a […]
Approximately 100 ministry contractual employees barricaded themselves inside the Acropolis site overnight on Wednesday, 13 October, demanding two years of back pay and permanent contracts. They padlocked the entrance gates and refused to allow in tourists. Guardians of the Acropolis site (Athens, Greece) work in behalf of the Hellenic Ministry […]
Video-documentary from the Norwegian state media channel about the fascist attacks and the experiences of immigrants in Greece and especially in central Athens. The video exposes the difficulties and the brutality that the immigrants experience by the Greek state and some fascists living in Athens. Nevertheless, we don’t agree either […]
The video was recorded on 04/23/2010 in Exarchia, Athens during a police raid after a demonstration, while obviously the district was quite calm. It is no coincidence that it was the first demo/protest against I.M.F. The posting of the video is quite delayed, but it doesn’t matter since the “Citizens […]
video from the 15th of September Today on 13th of September, hundreds of Pakistani immigrants living and working in Skala,Laconia took the decision to go on strike after the pogrom that was unleashed against them earlier. After returning from their work in collecting oranges, they found the doors of their […]
I came to Greece thinking that I arrived in a real place. I thought I would be recognised here, that I would have a place in this world. I am wondering now, is there really a place for me? Nobody seems to know where to put me. I am alive. […] On June 14th, anarchists stormed a super-market in Thessaloniki, Greece. They destroyed the security systems, took food and money from the cashiers, which they burnt outside. A short video from the action and a translation of the communique follows.