We received a notification from the police, threatening once again to evict the social centre if the concert takes place on January 5th, 2014. The door was forced but they didn’t enter the squat. Our position is the same as the last time this happened; from our side, the concert […]
On Saturday, January 11th, the squatted social centre La Gatonera, located on 9, Amistad Street in the district of Carabanchel, Madrid, hosts an info event in solidarity with anarchist prisoners facing long sentences worldwide. We meet at 18:30 and begin counter-information talk, with the aim to publicize some of the […]
The poster reads: Let Alfonso Alvial and Hermes González out in the streets! Active solidarity with the compañeros. Sebastián Oversluij present! No aggression should be left without an answer! On Wednesday morning, December 11, 2013, 26 year old anarchist Sebastián Oversluij Seguel was gunned down by a security guard when […]
From the prison of Lenzburg, Marco Camenisch informs us that he has been notified of yet another rejection of his conditional release, to which he should have had access long ago, as he has already served two thirds of the sentence imposed by the Swiss courts. We spread an excerpt […]
The poster reads: Solidarity with Spyros Stratoulis, prisoner in struggle for over two decades in the Greek dungeons, who is conducting a hunger strike since November 11th, 2013, demanding a full acquittal from fabricated indictment charges for his alleged membership in a fictitious criminal organization (Thessaloniki, 2012), as well as […]
On October 2nd, 2013 the anarchist group “Insurrectional Commando Mateo Morral” installed an explosive device at an infamous fascist church monument, the Basilica of the Pillar in Zaragoza, Spain. This cathedral is one of the most significant temples for the holders of Power, and stands as one of the main […]
October 14–20, 2013: Decentralized action week Saturday, October 19, 2013 Demonstration at 14.00, starting from Place Bretagne (Brittany Square) in the city of Nantes Benefit gig by 19.00, in La Wardine at the ZAD More info:
On the 15th, 16th and 17th of November 2013, the 4th Anarchist Bookfair of Porto Alegre will take place along with the 1st Anarchist Video Screening in the city. On this fourth occasion of the fair, we once again invite all interested persons and collectives to engage themselves in the […]
Retrieved from 325 See related statement by Bristol ABC here See responsibility claim for direct actions in Portishead and Bristol on the 27th of August 2013 here