In an attempt to implement its plan for the fascistization of society and the imposition of modern totalitarianism, the State has repressed and continues to repress every struggling sector of society, and every form of resistance, opting to unleash a crackdown also on students from the beginning of the school […]
After the crackdown on the third occupation in the Hambach Forest, activists are determined to reoccupy the Hambach Forest on April 26th, 2014. On that day, a demonstration will start at 2pm at the train station in Buir (near Cologne). New courage despite eviction and repression The Hambach Forest occupation […]
In the context of the agitation and solidarity week for our comrades kidnapped by Power and accused in the so-called “Security Case” in Chile, we realized this action on the 24th of March, a day before the start of this absurd judicial circus. Like many others who stand in solidarity, […]
You may send solidarity letters to Amélie, Fallon and Carlos at the following addresses. Amélie Trudeau / Fallon Rouiller Centro Femenil de Reinserción Social Santa Martha Acatitla Calzada Ermita, Iztapalapa No 4037, Colonia Santa Martha Acatitla Delegación Iztapalapa, C.P. 09560, Ciudad de México, D.F. México Carlos López Marín Reclusorio Preventivo […]
On March 25th, 2014, a huge contingent of police force evicted the Palavea squatted social centre in the city of A Coruña, northern Spain. Dozens of anti-riot police vans, backed by vehicles of the Civil Guard, assaulted the building at 7.30am, giving an end to three years of self-management, commitment […]
There is no road to freedom. Freedom is the road. And freedom of anarchist comrades will pass over the wreckage of the existing squalor. And freedom of everyone, too… Solidarity with political prisoners Strength to those who are prosecuted for their subversive activity A raised fist for those who continue […]
The Tenth Anarchist Bookfair in Zagreb will take place on April 4th to April 6th, 2014. See program of the bookfair. More upcoming bookfairs here.
On February 22, 2014, day of action in solidarity with NO TAV, a PA’s gathering took place in Monastiraki, central Athens (photos here). Below is a leaflet that was distributed, in Greek and English, to passersby.
On January 26th, the fascist organizers of the “Day of Anger” march gathered many of their militants in Paris. They paraded with clearly anti-Semitic slogans and Nazi salutes. Neo-Nazi groups (such as the Petainists youth) were alongside the National Front (FN) politicians, as well as many representatives of clearly fascist […]
Almost seven years after the Malandrino prison riot, some of the rebellious prisoners stand trial in the town of Amfissa. The poster reads: When spring began at Malandrino prison… Thousands of prisoners flourished on rooftops, in dark corridors and fetid wings almost in every prison across Greece’s territory. A spark […]