The uprising of the Polytechnic in 1973, was the raging outburst of all the rebels and the fighting spirits, who once more overthrew every stereotype and characteristic attributed to them by the Dominant ideology. It was neither an isolated nor a random incident. It was prepared and pre-announced by organized […]
-At first we should point out the state’s and police’s unacceptable attitude to allow the nationalist/racist rally to approach the area of the antiracist festival Rainbow, which consists, if not a deliberate attempt to impose a logic of racists’ and antiracists’ coexistence in space and time, then for sure, a […]
Yesterday, Sunday, November 7th, the municipal and regional elections took place. Various actions against them occurred in different cities of Greece. In the city of Serres, on the 4th of November there was a double event in the university campus and the central spot of the city organized by the […]
If today we all speak about (and experience) the financial crisis in Greece and the impact it has on society, especially the lower classes, the policy memorandum that squeezes labor income and the privatization of public infrastructure, we do not seem to have realized the role this policy can play […]
At the municipal and regional elections taking place in a few days, all the “active” citizens of “our” pathetic democracy will be called for one more time to play their theatrical part that the authority calls “democratic electoral right”. Elections is one of the most well presented frauds that sovereignty […]
The Greek reality is certainly ridiculous. But because some of its aspects might not be as well known as it should be abroad ,it would be good to say something about the institution of student and military parade on the 28 of October. The emetic social ritual that wants embattled […]
Monday 25th of October: Two Albanian workers and one Greek woman lost their life after the fall of an old traditional house in the city of Edessa (northern Greece). The building was under reconstruction when all of a sudden collapsed. The 40 years old worker died immediately underneath the pile […]
Video-documentary from the Norwegian state media channel about the fascist attacks and the experiences of immigrants in Greece and especially in central Athens. The video exposes the difficulties and the brutality that the immigrants experience by the Greek state and some fascists living in Athens. Nevertheless, we don’t agree either […]
get it from here From the introduction: Like many US anarchists, my first interactions with the Greek anarchist movement occurred primarily through hastily translated communiques reporting spectacular attacks on banks and police stations, riots, and student occupations. Increasingly filtered through American insurrectionary discourse, what these reports often lacked in historical […]
The coalition government PASOK – Troika (Eur.Committee, International Monetary Fund, European Social Fund) has succeeded in a short space of time – and with the consent of the Mass Media – in ripping out what had been conquered through long and frequently bloody, social and class struggles to impose an […]
A ZACF statement on the 2010 Soccer World Cup in South Africa The 2010 Soccer World Cup must be exposed for the utter sham that it is. The ZACF strongly condemns the audacity and hypocrisy of the government in presenting the occasion as a “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunity for the economic and […]