On the morning of November 19, 2015, Kevin, 18 years old, in complicity with the night, rode his bicycle to the perimeter of the Gendarmerie School of San Bernardo, armed with a bomb, a lighter and a blade. After the detonation, the police bastard who came after his steps after […]
Contra Info
Received on 19/11/2018: The second issue of Paper Chained has been published online. This is a journal that supports publication of writings and artistic expressions from people affected by incarceration. Click here to download the PDF, and visit the blog of Running Wild here to read more.
Received on 16/11/2018: A banner tied in Yogyakarta, reading: “SOLIDARITY WITH ALL ANARCHIST AND ANTI-FASCIST IN RUSSIA, LONG LIVE ANARCHY! MIKHAIL”. Anarchists and Anti-Fascists in Russia have faced a wave of repression from the State following an action carried out by a 17-year-old young anarchist named Mikhail Zhlobitsky who blew […]
Received on 10/11/2018; for the case of Mikhail Zhlobitsky check here and here:Narrm / Melbourne so-called Australia: Graffiti mural in memory of 17 year old Russian Anarchist-Communist Mikhail Zhlobitsky who died while carrying out an explosive attack against the FSB (Federal Security Service) Regional Headquarters in Arkhangelsk, Russia on October […]
sent 11/1/18 They are facing potential incarceration for helping migrants in danger in the French Alps. Bastien, Benoit, Eléonora, Juan, Lisa, Mathieu et Théo will face justice on November 8th in Gap. They are prosecuted for «helping undocument foreign nationals to enter national territory, in organized gang”. The envisaged penalty […]
Updates – Tuesday 30th October This morning Villa’s eviction didn’t happen. We stand ready to defend the place. In the last few days lots of people came bringing solidarity and we continued organising the resistance together, working on the barricades and discussing on what to do in case of actual […]
received 28.10.18 On 19 October our two comrades were arrested because of a court sentence given to them for taking part in anarchist protest against European Economic Congress (EEC) 2015 which was held in ceKatowi. Our friends where sentenced to community services because of the crime called “infringement of privacy”. […]
NO ONE THAT DOES NOT WANT YOUR TOTAL LIBERATION CAN BE CONSIDERED YOUR ALLY If we do not extend the critique of fascism to democracy, capitalism, prisons, homelands, patriarchy, property, speciesism and any regime that involves being governed: we are condemning ourselves to a unique historical entanglement that only will […]
Rupression.com campaign statement about the accused In February 2018, a campaign was launched in Russia to support those accused in the Network case. Among the main goals of the campaign were fundraising for legal costs, organizing humanitarian support for the arrested and offering support to their relatives. The resources gathered […]
received 10/12/18 Call Radical anti-abortionists of „Euro Pro Life e. V.“ and „Arbeitsgemeinschaft Lebensschutz München“ are planning a „1000 crosses for life“ march through the city of Munich on the 27th of October to protest against abortions. We will not accept this kind of antifeminist and homophobic propaganda and will […]