After many hours sat down at the Up All Night [Nuit Debout] (?!), a few people spoke to call to leave as a wild demo. A good part of the gathering got up for a little tour in town…
Two hundred people descended Rue Estelle around 11:30pm shouting “strike, blockade, wild demo”, “Marseille, get up, stand up” and “Law, work, withdraw the two”. The demo headed towards the Socialist Party office, that was coated in small messages, whose windows are very well protected. Not a long pause, leaving towards the well-hidden Front National small office, not far from Place Castellane. Shutters closed, and a few nearby passers-by encouraging the demo, even join for a short distance.
We leave again towards the Plaine, this time via Rue Navarin. And this time, Action Française fash* don’t have the anti-riot cops to protect their office. So the windows aren’t protected, and their door is quickly destroyed, to shouts of “No fash in our neighbourhoods, no neighbourhoods for the fash”, with smiles from the neighbourhoods residents that see everything take place.
Still shouting slogans against the El-Khomry law, work and police, the demo quickly joined the Plaine, then Cours Julien, where the Up All Night is ongoing.
*Note: fash as slang for fascists, similar to ‘fachos’ in French.
Source: Marseille Autonomous Info | in Portuguese