In the night of December 16th 2015, we cheerfully repainted EDF’s Lille premises. We affixed the following message: “neither nuclear, nor CO2!”. The BNP premises in Madeleine were also attacked. Their windows were broken and the following message tagged: “collaborator of ecological disaster”.
EDF for their exploitation and export of nuclear power plants, as much as for being placed no°2 of French CO2 emitters.
BNP for its financial support to the carbon industry.
Both of them for their greening washing operation in sponsoring the COP21.
This COP21 is simply an extension of the preceding twenty: 60% increase in CO2 emissions over the last twenty years are not the result of a lack of will power or mismanagement, but the necessary function of a system based on profit.
We artistically expressed ourselves at the end of the disastrous COP21, and the regional elections, to reveal the petty politicking that play out behind closed doors. And their propaganda that is only oxymoronic.
Like half the electorate we abstained. We abstain because we take politics seriously. Don’t ask us to vote to save the republic, when their police gas, bludgeon, blind, mutilate or kill a protester like at the Sivens dam; when Air France employees, who’ve nevertheless accepted all wage cuts, are criminalised by the entire political class over a torn shirt. Finally, a state of emergency or not, the goal is always to silence those who’re worried about their survival.
Civil rights, social justice and environment are just hollow words in the mouths of politicians; the governing parties as well as the National Front don’t give a damn.
Despite their promises of “change”, they order themselves, and will always order themselves, behind the interests of capitalist destruction of land, workers, and our health.
Don’t be surprised by our abstention, because we’re not surprised by their deceptions.
in Italian