Today, we were in streets for Alexis who was murdered by Greek State and for Nikos Romanos who is in hunger strike for 26 days against the repression of the same state.
Today, we were in streets for our sisters and brothers who has been murdered while resisting in Greece, in Ferguson, in Mexico, in Kobanê.
Today, we were in streets for Berkin, Ali İsmail, Ethem, Arin, Kader, Suphi Nejat.
While states are killing our sisters and brothers in whole over the world; we, revolutionary anarchists were in the streets with our anger to states, capitalists, companies and murderers. Even police held up our way and attacked us with their plastic bullets, gas bombs and batons; they couldn’t achieve to suppress our anger. We resisted with our black flags while rising out our slogans.
This passion for freedom is getting bigger today; the anger for the ones’ that has been murdered by state flare up our riot.
Revolutionary Anarchist Action salutes comrade Nikos Romanos’ and his resistance.
Today, with all the rage against powers that seizes lives, with the conviction to a free world, the black flags are waved all around the world. Against companies that exploit our labour to profit more; against states that murders many of us in the name of the borders they drew; against all powers that fill their pockets with our lives that they destroy, making us poorer and making the rich richer; rebellion is alive in the rage of anarchism. The rage against bosses, companies, murderers and states, is propagating in full flood with the black flags. The sorrow of being neglected, disappeared and murdered, is now turning into anger, and the street are burning with the rage all over.
Exactly 6 years ago, in Exarchia neighbourhood of Athens, murdered because he was an anarchist, at the age of 16, was Alexandros Grigoropoulos. Murdered by a cop, with the bullet from his gun, because he transformed his anger into rebellion and went on the street, calling to account for the lives being seized, because he didn’t obey the powers and he was resisting at all costs for freedom. On the day of December 6, 2008, The bullet that ran into Alexis’ chest turned in the fire of revolt in the streets. Even though the murderers continued their attacks, the rage against the ones that silenced a heart that was beating for freedom, burned the streets into flames in Athens, in Thessaloniki, in Istanbul and everywhere.
Nikos Romanos, who was with Alexis the day he was murdered and who also had the same conviction for a free world, is now captivated because he is an anarchist. Romanos is captivated because he was not silent against injustice, because he didn’t give up despite state oppression, because with the same conviction of his murdered comrade, he kept on the struggle against all powers. The ones who think they can terminate this struggle by murdering Alexis, are now captivating Nikos hoping to stop another heart that is beating with the conviction for anarchism. Just like in 2008, the streets are filled with anger against the state that continue to attack Romanos with all its isolation, oppression and torture. As Romanos continues his hunger strike since 10th of November, other anarchist comrades in captive also start hunger strikes in solidarity; universities are occupied; and the same voice echoes in burning streets, in cells resisting captive: “As long as we are alive and we breathe, long live anarchy!”
The powers that murdered Alexis in 2008 and that captivate Nikos today think that they can silence the rage against injustice that is growing in every part of the world. They continue to captivate, attack and murder under this illusion.
In Mexico, 43 students resisting politics of the powers seizing their future, had disappeared by the hand of state; and their bodies are found in mass graves after many days. Just because they are black, the people targeted by fascist repression of the power, become the targets of bullets shot by the police; and the ones who resist being taken to custody are strangling and murdered by the police. Many of our brothers like Berkin, Ethem Ali, Ahmet who resisted for their lives, were murdered by the state police. While the ones resisting in Kobanê to create a new life, like Arin, like Suphi Nejat, like Kader, are murdered by the gangs, military and soldiers of the state; the ones who are on the streets in every corner of the region embracing Kobanê resistance, like Hakan, like Mahsun, are the targeted by the murderer police of the same state…
Wherever the ones who call to account for injustice, who resist to win their lives, who struggle with their conviction of freedom are on the streets; there is the address for oppression, torture and massacre. The oppressors who think that they can discourage the ones who don’t obey them by captivating, kidnapping or murdering; a cry of freedom raised in one place is echoed from every direction. From the cells of Athens to Mexico, from the streets of Ferguson to Istanbul, to the free lands of Kobanê, the conviction for a new world is propagating in full flood. Now, this passion for freedom is getting bigger; the rage for the murders is flaring up the fire of revolt in hearts.
This revolt is against the powers that seize our lives, that intend to destroy our freedom, that murder us. This revolt is against capitalism and the states. This revolt is against all kinds of captivity.
With this revolt for freedom in our hearts, anarchism is growing in every part of the world.
And our struggle is growing from one corner of the world to another, carried by the waves of the black flags.
Long live Revolution, long live anarchy!
Revolutionary Anarchist Action (DAF)
High School Anarchist Action (LAF)
Anarchist Youth
Anarchist Women