The increasing trend toward the right wing in Switzerland is unbearable: xenophobic and racist ideologies get the upper hand. After the admission of the “initiative against mass immigration”, professed neo-Nazis took to the streets in Solothurn, and on the 29th of March a horror compound consisting of supporters of the SVP/UDC far-right party, patriots and neo-Nazis planned to demonstrate in Bern against the alleged “soft justice” and “for a harsher punishment of aliens.” Those who organized this racist rally are the “Stopp Kuscheljustiz” (“Stop soft justice”), an alliance of racists, nationalists, right-wing conservatives and neo-Nazis. In 2013, a mobilization of them in Bern had been blocked by antifascists.
Antifascists announced an occupation of the Federal Square (Bundesplatz) on the 29th, before the professed patriots could spread their propaganda there. They invited every resister to join this blockade and prevent these regressive xenophobes from having a public platform in Bern.
The announced antifascist resistance reached an important goal: the “Stopp Kuscheljustiz” scum finally cancelled their event. The occupation of the Federal Square is therefore no longer necessary and will not take place. However antifascists will be on alert throughout the day.
Sources: Bern remains Nazi-free, RAGE-Antifascist Network Geneva, Antifa Bern