On the night of 15th to 16th of July 2013 we placed a banner in the city of Toruń, in solidarity with anarchist Kostas Sakkas in Greece.
Kostas was arrested in December 2010. Early summer of 2012, he had already spent 18 months on remand, but his pretrial detention was extended for another year (until June of this year). Then, the Court of Appeals in Athens ordered a further extension of six months of his incarceration, exceeding by far the limits that the legal apparatus itself has set. So Kostas Sakkas went on hunger strike on the 4th of June, demanding his immediate release.
On the 11th of July, the Athens Court of Appeals decided to grant release on bail to the anarchist hunger striker, who was hospitalized in serious condition, and is currently extremely exhausted after 38 days of fasting.
We want to support Kostas and all political prisoners who are still being repressed.
This is a struggle we share in common, no matter whether we are in Poland or Greece.