Excerpts from the call by antifascists in the neighbourhoods of Kypseli and Patissia:
No tolerance to Nazi and fascist gangs
Lately, in the vicinity of Amerikis square, on Patission Street in Kypseli, a small group of racists/fascists attempts to create a state of fear and intolerance against African immigrants living in the area. (…) The antifascist protest—on 26/9, the day after the fascist pogrom—included a march in the streets of the neighbourhood and a gathering in Amerikis square, which was attended by many local residents, natives and immigrants. The people’s motivation gave a first response against fascist plans. But, in order to stop their action for good, what is needed is a broader and continuous mobilization of all antifascist and antiracist local residents, who do not want to see racist violence of various fascist gangs dominating our neighbourhood. (…) Let’s shape the terms of our own lives with dignity and freedom.
Common struggles of locals and immigrants against poverty, repression, racism
Self-organization, resistance, solidarity in every neighbourhood
Antifascist–antiracist rally of residents in struggle and supporters
Amerikis square, Friday, October 12th, 19.30pm