An antiracist rally was called in the evening of September 26th, in Patissia district, downtown Athens, as an immediate response to yet another fascist pogrom in the area surrounding Amerikis square just the day before (25/9), and a counter-protest against neo-Nazis (so-called “indignant Greek citizens”) that had threatened to come out of their holes again and spread their nationalist terror.
First, antifascists concentrated near the corner of Stavropoulou and Lemessou streets, in front of the offices of the Tanzanian community in Greece that was also attacked and smashed yesterday by neo-Nazi thugs (see video).
An open assembly was held in Amerikis square, with massive presence of immigrants and other residents that resisted fascist intimidations and discussed their everyday problems. Then, a large bloc of anarchists, antifascists, antiracist leftists and other supporters, both immigrants and locals, took to the streets chanting antifascist slogans.
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