In the context of Contra Info call for ten days against repression, we carried out the following actions (for now):

We placed a banner at Exarchia square in solidarity with anarchist comrades prosecuted under the repressive “operation boldness” (operazione ardire), which was launched by the Italian authorities on June 13th, 2012. If the carabiniers and prosecutors think they can do whatever they like with the lives of our comrades, they are very much mistaken. They will find us in front of them: in Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Greece and wherever they dare to stretch out their tentacles.
At the main gate of the Polytechnic School, on Patission Street, we dropped a banner against the London Olympics, now in progress. The banner reads: “Smash the OlymPIGS and the capitalist wankers – Arson and wildfire to the Olympic ideals – Burn, London, burn”… The Olympic ideals are stinking of money, militarization and repression. We don’t forget the comrades who, despite the super-spectacle set up by cops, military and mass media, are stepping forward and spitting the society of submission on its face. Let us also remind people of the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, as well as the need to organize an international campaign against the displacements of oppressed populations who are living in the Brazilian favelas.
At the pedestrian bridge over a central highway in downtown Athens we hung a banner in solidarity with the imprisoned members of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front. Their courage and determination makes us stronger. With this small gesture, we send them our warmest revolutionary greetings.
We also painted slogans in solidarity with imprisoned and prosecuted anarchists across the world. We send all our strength to Luciano Pitronello, whose trial is taking place these days in Santiago de Chile, to Mario López, incarcerated in the cells of the Mexican democracy, and to Felicity Ryder, who is now at large, prosecuted for the same case as her captive brother Mario.
In response to the call for action on the case of the death of the Sudanese refugee Noureddin Mohamed in Calais, France, on July 7th, 2012, we made stencils on Exarchia walls. In the face of Noureddin are revealed thousands of anonymous immigrants and refugees who lost their lives trying to enter the impenetrable Fortress Europe. We neither forget, nor forgive. Fire to all borders!
These symbolic acts that were held in the first three days of August, in Athens, are the least of our contributions to a war raging daily out in the streets. Days of actions against repression continue…
2 thoughts on “Greece: Counter-information actions in Athens”
LONDON – This is a mid month Critical Mass to show solidarity with the cyclist killed on the road on 1st August by an Olympic bus. The headlines continuely ignored the death and concentrated on the gold medals-particulary the one won by British cyclist Bradley Wiggins. All cyclists including Olympians, are invited to join us as well as wheelchairers, skateboarders, roller bladers, roller skaters and other self-propelled people.. This Critical Mass will be huge – spread the word.
Translated in Finnish