Giannis Skouloudis was released from prison on Friday afternoon, June 22nd, 2012. The comrade had been remanded in custody in Avlona juvenile prisons since October 13th, 2010. Following the court decision on March 26th, 2012, for Giannis Skouloudis, Sokratis Tzifkas, Babis Tsilianidis, Dimitris Dimtsiadis and Dimitris Fessas regarding the case […]
Daily Archives: June 23, 2012
Thursday, June 21st, 2012 WHEREVER YOU LOOK, JUST LOOK CAREFULLY: Society’s violence is everywhere. It’s simply being transformed each time. It becomes a bullet wedged in the body of a teenage boy, or a forest burned in the name of industrial or touristic development. It becomes extinction of populations in […]
‘Those of you who today see your children playing carefree at playgrounds and school courtyards, do not be surprised if tomorrow you’ll see them forming revolutionary affinities or participating in armed attacks against the State and the Capital…’ Solidarity with anarchist Theofilos Mavropoulos Solidarity with all members of the R.O. […]
Saturday, June 23rd, by 21.00 in the grass space at the Department of Theology (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) Concert for financial support of imprisoned fighters, with Dinos Sadikis, Ektos Elenchou (‘Out of Control’), P.R.C (from the city of Veria), Creepy Society, Home ’n’ Dry I know they never aim at […]
Cybrigade, the collective that administrates the free server in Greece, is now celebrating 4 years of operation and organizes an event for financial aid on June 23rd, 2012. The event will be held on Strefi hill in Exarchia. There will also be Cybrigade distro as well as other texts […]