The fourth European Economic Congress (EEC) will be held in Katowice on 14-16 May 2012. The importance of this event is demonstrated by the fact that in a short period of it gained the title of ‘most important economic event in Central Europe’. During the three-day long Congress, a group of several thousand Polish and foreign members of the political class will be discussing key issues related to economy, behind the back of ordinary citizens of Europe. It is significant that important economic and social issues affecting the development of Europe are discussed behind our backs and only the results are provided to the media.
This highlights the fact that our fate depends on a group of privileged individuals. We can’t accept such an order. So in the light of these events activists from Slask Anarchist Federation intend to arrange a nationwide demonstration. It signals our resistance to the authoritarian idea of the European Economic Congress, and thus our resistance to all privileged politicians, corporations and companies, and to all other persons and institutions contributing to the deepening of social inequalities within the prevailing capitalist system.
More info here soon!