there are translations from alfredo m. bonanno, enzo martucci, kaczynski, 325, crimetinc., nestor makhno comics, and there is an interview with kurdistan anarchist forum about the situation in kurdistan, iraq and syria… and there are some articles about current issues and civilization, and of course actions we need all kind […]
(we received this partial translation of an anonymous report:) November 1st should be an action day for animal liberation, not a partying day for veganism. On November 1st, 2014, at around 2am, we did a series of actions at the European side of Istanbul: two trucks that transport dead chickens […]
A first-person report received on October 12th, 2014. I wanted to share some knowledge about what’s happening and what happened around here. IS (Islamic State) attacks to Kobane city in Rojava (means West Kurdistan in Kurdish) as everybody knows. But I want to explain why there is this organization Islamic […]
April 30th, 2014, Istanbul: 18 ducklings and 18 chicks were liberated from a street peddler who was trying to sell them in a tiny box. The action was claimed by the Animal Liberation Front, in solidarity with vegan anarchist prisoner Osman Evcan. July 28th, 2014, Istanbul: 2 rabbits were freed […]
Below is the proclamation which was distributed on March 22nd, 2014, during the squat attempt in the district of Beşiktaş, Istanbul [‘we’ for buildings; ‘you’ for people]: I came into being of stone and wood in the year 1903. I am a product of human thinking and effort. I have […]
Berkin Elvan, who sustained severe head injury from a gas canister in June 2013, died on March 11th, 2014. The boy’s funeral was held on March 12th in the Feriköy cemetery in Istanbul’s Şişli district. Berkin had only turned 15 while still in coma. The police attacked the massive crowd […]
On Saturday noon, March 22nd, 2014, a group of nearly 50 people from the anarchist milieu and different left tendencies gathered at the central Eagle Statue in the district of Beşiktaş (on the European side of Istanbul) to jointly occupy a former Greek school, which is located nearby, and has […]
On March 2, 2014, people gathered in Kadıköy district of İstanbul to protest against the changes in the Animal Protection Law proposed by the government, which includes the exploitation of stray animals as test subjects, and so on. ALF activists who were among the crowd gathered in front of the […]
The demo started at 7pm. Thousands of people gathered around the bull sculpture in Kadıköy. Demonstrators blocked the road for a few hours. At one side of the road were two TOMAs (antiriot control vehicle), and cops at the other side; a huge banner reading ‘hükümet istifa’ (government resign) was […]
While we lightened a cold dark night by torching a pile of iron, the rising flames could be seen far from the site, and aside from the pleasure that has given us, the action was taken in the service of eco-vandalism lobbying whose name has never been heard before. On […]