Turkey: ALF liberated 4 rabbits from a pet shop in İstanbul

On March 2, 2014, people gathered in Kadıköy district of İstanbul to protest against the changes in the Animal Protection Law proposed by the government, which includes the exploitation of stray animals as test subjects, and so on.

ALF activists who were among the crowd gathered in front of the Başkent Pet Shop in Kadıköy, where four rabbits condemned to live in very poor conditions were rescued and emancipated.

These living beings who get transferred by luggages get murdered when they’re not sold and their cuteness is over.

This is also a call to direct action, and to ask for support from our friends from the ALF, ELF, activists for the freedom of animals and nature. We dedicate this action to all the species about to be ravaged in the destructions of the Northern Forests of İstanbul.

We vehemently condemn the use of stray animals as test subjects for science and industry, just as we oppose the exile of strays to concentration camps. And if necessary, we will respond violently!

If not now, when?

If not you, who?
source: sosyal savas