The demo started at 7pm. Thousands of people gathered around the bull sculpture in Kadıköy. Demonstrators blocked the road for a few hours. At one side of the road were two TOMAs (antiriot control vehicle), and cops at the other side; a huge banner reading ‘hükümet istifa’ (government resign) was […]
Taksim Gezi Park
On New Year’s Eve we set fire to two vehicles of the Turkish embassy in Berlin as minimal display of our solidarity. We thus support the fights in Istanbul and other Turkish and Kurdish cities against the fascist cops. The passion for freedom, which was expressed in the Taksim Square […]
A group of anarchists painted slogans on walls and billboards around Mecidiyeköy–Şişli area, in İstanbul, about the murder of Pavlos Fyssas in Greece, antifascism, anarchy, rebellion, animal massacre in Romania, animal liberation, and the Gezi uprising. With this action, which reflects on the ongoing struggle in Athens, İstanbul and every […]
In the early hours of July 16th, 2013 police raided 100 different places in İstanbul. At around 5.30am, police stormed many houses simultaneously. According to initial reports, 12 members of Öğrenci Kolektifleri (Students’ Collective) and Liseli Genç Umut (Highschool Young Hope) were detained. 26 persons in the district of Sancaktepe […]
Last night, Sunday the 16th of June 2013, it was calm in the city of İzmir. People gathered in Alsancak, at Gündoğdu Square, but the repression forces didn’t react. This is probably the current police strategy. They attack with huge forces in İstanbul and Ankara, but ‘let the other cities […]
Everyday for the last two weeks people have taken to the streets of Berlin to show their solidarity with the ongoing struggle in Turkey. On the evening of June 7th a short and wild demonstration took place in the centre of the Kreuzberg neighbourhood, when around 50 people marched towards […]
Actually it was NOT totally unpredictable, but we somehow couldn’t see it was coming. What have people of Turkey being doing until this revolt? Students have beaten up the teachers who gave them grades lower than they deserved. People stabbed doctors who neglected their loved ones. They shot sergeants to […]
This evening (14/6), at around 6pm, we held a rally in front of the Turkish Embassy. The banner displayed read: “For the expansion of Revolt. Dayanışma bir silahtır – Solidarity is a weapon.” Flyers were distributed with the following text: Santiago’dan Türkiye’deki isyancılara selam Fourteen days ago in Istanbul a […]
This is a revolt Urban transformation projects have long been threatening living spaces of Istanbul residents. First slum demolitions, and then 63 million square meters of forests to be pillaged for the third bridge, shopping malls built one after another, luxury hotels, and while the pedestrianization project continued, next was […]
Announcement by the Revolutionary Anarchist Action (Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet, DAF): Against the State and police terror: Our rage is growing, so does our struggle! The ongoing occupation of Taksim Square and Gezi Park was attacked by the police this morning (June 11th, 2013). After the meeting of the council of […]