Black December burns in Berlin’s ThyssenKrupp «We are in the process of a qualitative upgrade of the “civilised warfare,” where one’s happiness coexists with the torment of another . . . Within this environment, anarchy acquires a strategic possibility to set fire to all forms of political representation, to become a front of […]
A first-person report received on October 12th, 2014. I wanted to share some knowledge about what’s happening and what happened around here. IS (Islamic State) attacks to Kobane city in Rojava (means West Kurdistan in Kurdish) as everybody knows. But I want to explain why there is this organization Islamic […]
On Thursday, October 4th, 2012 thousands of people took to the streets of İstanbul and raised the voice of peace against global capitalists’ aims in Middle East. The war politics of the Turkish State continue unobstructed, not only in the current war with Syria, but also in the 30-year hostilities […]
Short report we received about migrants’ hunger strike in Lyubimets: Currently 25 people are holding a hunger strike in the migrant detention center in the town of Lyubimets in South-Eastern Bulgaria, close to the Turkish border. The hunger strike was initiated on August 14th by 14 inmates; 11 other joined […]