On Saturday, August 18th, at dawn, anti-riot police squads invaded the space of the occupied municipal market of Kypseli, in Athens. The Athens mayor (Kaminis) ordered the riot police to evict and shut down the building. The ‘Dimotiki Agora’ of Kypseli, on 42 Fokionos Negri Street, was built in 1935 […]
After the transfer of nearly four hundred migrants in a military camp of Corinth (about 80 kilometres southwest of Athens) literally in the middle of the night, antiracist/antifascist citizens released the following call for immediate protest and resistance: “The Antiracist Initiative of Corinth denounces the conversion of Corinth military camp […]
Antifascist actions have been held in numerous Greek cities ever since the massive police crackdown against immigrants/refugees started, in early August, and especially after a man was stabbed to death by apparent nationalists in the centre of Athens (12/8). On Tuesday, August 21st, at midday, nearly 150 comrades took to […]
Short report we received about migrants’ hunger strike in Lyubimets: Currently 25 people are holding a hunger strike in the migrant detention center in the town of Lyubimets in South-Eastern Bulgaria, close to the Turkish border. The hunger strike was initiated on August 14th by 14 inmates; 11 other joined […]
No more border killings! Request for solidarity! Our friend and comrade, Noureddin Mohamed, died in the centre of Calais, France, in the early hours of Saturday 7 July 2012. Noureddin was 28 years old. Originally from North Darfur, Sudan, he had been in Calais for more than four years. He […]
Here follows a critique of the No Border Camp in Cologne and Düsseldorf —the event isn’t finished until later today, and its official end is July 22th. Expectations were high for the latest No Borders camp, held on July 13–22 in Cologne, to put into action a lot of what […]
Here follows an incomplete transcription, with the basic aim of disseminating the news in brief: The wave of strikes started in Würzburg (Bavaria) on March 19th, 2012, when several refugees from Iran went on hunger strike to draw attention to the inhuman situation they have been suffering for too long. […]
NO to fascist pogroms NO to concentration camps NO to social cannibalism Demonstration in solidarity with immigrants Thursday, June 14th; the protest march will start at 18.00 from Parartima squat (on Corinthou and Aratou streets, Patras) Against fascism and racism Common struggle of all workers, locals and immigrants Open assembly […]
In the city centre: Daily beatings, tortures, thefts against immigrants source athens.indymedia Cops, fascists, plainclothes cops, racist civil servants, an impenetrable tangle of thugs make the everyday ‘life’ of immigrants who move in downtown Athens a living hell. Here are, apparently, only a few of the facts that immigrants suffer […]
On Saturday, December 3rd, approximately 200 people gathered in Omonia Square to protest ‘against fascism; for the legalization for all immigrants and refugees; for citizenship for all second generation immigrant children’. The demo was called by the Union of Immigrant Workers, the Movement ‘Unite Against Racism and the Fascist Threat’, […]