Today, February 18th, I interrupt my hunger strike having been notified that in March I will be able to meet with Anna — without, of course, putting my trust in what my declared enemy promises. Sergio continues the hunger strike; in solidarity with him, I broke the air vents of […]
political persecutions
As of Tuesday, January 29th, 2013 anarchists Alfredo Cospito and Sergio Maria Stefani, who are incarcerated in the AS2 wing of Alessandria prison, are conducting a hunger strike until communication and visits from their respective companions are granted. We recall that Alfredo has never been authorized to talk to or […]
In October 2012, San José (capital of Costa Rica) saw a large student demonstration against a veto that the country’s president Laura Chinchilla Miranda put on the law amendment which suggested the free use of copyrighted material or intellectual property for nonprofit educational purposes. In other words, she recently blocked […]
To break out of the encirclement! We ask comrades to send us new publications produced by the anarchist movement in Italian, English and Spanish. We also invite those who have printed leaflets, posters, articles on our case to pass them on to us and of course to keep us informed […]
[nggallery id=14] The 1st of December marks the change of federal government every six years, when a new President of Mexico is sworn. The office was won by the ‘imposition’ of Enrique Peña Nieto, a member of the dominating Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI). Uniformed scum held a huge military parade […]
On November 21st it was confirmed that Nicola Gai was transferred into the first high security wing (AS1) of San Michele prison in Alessandria, after two months of isolation regime in the prison of Sanremo. The ban of meeting between Nicola and Alfredo has finally been revoked, and only their […]
In the morning of November 12th, Alfredo Cospito was transferred from Sanremo hellhole to the prison of Alessandria, while Nicola Gai was still held in solitary confinement in Sanremo. On November 14th, Nicola Gai got transferred to another prison, too (unknown so far). Both comrades are accused of shooting CEO […]
October 18th, 2012 “Today, the State declared civil war. Those who are not killed by fascists’ knives are sent to prison through judicial decisions of the junta. We call fighters and anyone who feels that DIGNITY, SOLIDARITY, EQUALITY and FREEDOM are not empty words, but a life stance, to realize […]
Please spread the following statement along with these texts: i, ii and iii Statement by Delta squat about the events of eviction Sunday, September 16th, 2012 A BRIEF CHRONICLE On September 12th at 6.30 in the morning various different police departments were mobilized for the eviction of Delta squat. EKAM […]
October 19th, 2012 Over a month after their arrest, comrades Nicola Gai and Alfredo Cospito remain in solitary confinement, currently in the prison of Sanremo; namely they undergo personal body search and cell search every morning, they are not allowed to contact each other or communicate with other prisoners, they […]
We hope you can help us spread the word. On September 12th, at 6.30am, Delta occupied social centre was evicted. In the past, this building served as a university residence hall of the Alexandreio Technological Education Institute of Thessaloniki, and was occupied since 2007. During the eviction, ten of us […]
On Friday evening, October 12th, a demonstration was held in downtown Athens in solidarity with the imprisoned members of the R.O. Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and the other ten anarchist comrades accused in the same case, under the new trial which began on October 8th. The demo had been […]