Today, Monday, February 27th, our comrades Freddy Fuentevilla, Marcelo Villarroel and Juan Aliste continue their liquid hunger strike, and they are still held as a punishment in the maximum security section, a situation that will not change until they lay down their mobilization. In this context, our comrades have remarkably lost […]
Latin America
On Monday, February 27th, the prosecuting authorities of Rio de Janeiro attempted to intimidate activists associated with the wider social movement against the increase in public transportation fares. Specifically, political activists were summoned to appear in the 76th police department of Rio de Janeiro, after circulating a video via Internet […]
by Organización Fraternal Negra Hondureña, OFRANEH Last Tuesday night, February 14th, the penitentiary centre at Comayagua burned down, with the deplorable result of more than 355 charred prisoners. This is the third time in less than 10 years that horrific fires take the lives of hundreds of prisoners; many of […] In the morning of Monday, February 6th, a warning regarding police presence close to the main gate of the university campus mobilized the students’ movement and other supporters. It was the deadline for the repossession of the students’ autonomous space, known as Moradia Retomada (‘Retaken House’), located on the […]
February 17th, 2012 The second room of the Santiago Court of Appeals revoked the house arrest of comrade Luciano Pitronello, as he is considered ‘a danger to society’. Furthermore, the appellate judges ruled that he allegedly has a possibility of escape because of dual citizenship (Chilean–Italian) and obtains an updated […]
February 13th, 2012 We spread the latest developments in respect to comrade Luciano Pitronello, who will be released from Santiago 1 prison tonight and be moved to his mother’s house, where he’ll be serving home detention. The house arrest was ruled in the hearing which took place today at about […]
The education of military personnel, from the soldier to the highest ranks, necessarily turns them into enemies of the civilian society and the people. Mikhail Bakunin Once again, on last Tuesday, December 13th, the Colombian State, head of its repressive military forces, called thousands of young people into its clutches […]
Are you a random tourist, a businessperson or a sports fan? Have your local travel agencies ever mentioned that Brazil has it all? And has anyone suggested that you ought to check out Brazilian attractions? Should you pick eco tours in the Amazon rainforest of missing tribes, or street parades […]
Freedom is not obtained from the ballot boxes; it’s taken with our own hands. For this reason, last Monday morning, October 24th, we decided to hit the democracy/dictatorship of the progressive government. In response to the sarcastic statements of the ruling government and the communist party of Uruguay that have […]
We, organs of Lafkenche Territorial Resistance of the Arauco Malleco Coordinator, declare before the national and international public opinion the following: Kiñe: On October 6th, at dawn, we attacked and destroyed the tourist resort of the businessman Pedro Durán Faundez, husband of the governor of Arauco Flor Waisse, located by […]
In the afternoon of Friday, September 23rd, we wrote slogans on walls in the centre of the city of Thebes, in Viotia, in solidarity with insurgents in $hile and in particular comrade Luciano Pitronello, Tortuga (‘Turtle’). It is the minimum act of solidarity with all who struggle for freedom and […]
The comrades of the Sindicato de Artes e Ofícios Vários de Araxá (Syndicate of Various Arts and Crafts of Araxá), Minas Gerais, Brazil, affiliated to the Confederação Operária Brasileira (Brazilian Workers’ Confederation), Brazilian section of the International Workers Association, are under pressure from FF Commercial (Lotto and Finta brands) with […]