PHOENIX PROJECT Freedom for anarchists of praxis incarcerated in Italy i. ‘Return of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire from the ashes’ Only in those moments when our tension for freedom is rejoined with practice do we truly manage to live anarchy, here and now. Unfortunately the dream we carry […]
International Revolutionary Front
Responsibility claim for the bomb which was detonated at the nationalist party’s local headquarters in Aspropyrgos in the early hours of December 4th, 2012: The Antifascist Front/Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI) claims responsibility for the planting of a homemade explosive device at the West Attica regional offices of the Golden Dawn […]
Contribution of the nine imprisoned members of the R.O. CCF and anarchist prisoner Theofilos Mavropoulos to an international anarchist meeting convened under the insurrectional perspective (Zurich, 10–13 November 2012) “Do not say that we are few.. Just say that we are determined..” The question is not whether we are more […]
CCF — CHAOS JUST AROUND THE CORNER (Italy, Mexico, Greece) On Wednesday, June 13th, the international anti-anarchist campaign under the name ‘operation boldness’ was set up. The Italian antiterrorism forces of ROS and carabiniers were put under the command of the Inquisitor-prosecutor of Perugia Manuela Comodi, and proceeded to arrest […]
Solidarity with the R.O. Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and anarchist Theofilos Mavropoulos On June 27th, 2012, the members of the Revolutionary Organization Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and anarchist Theofilos Mavropoulos will stand trial for ‘Incitement to Criminal Acts’. In the social war, no one is alone! Not one […]
‘When one does not die for the other, then we are already dead’ [Tasos Livaditis] I am not a humanist and therefore will not talk like a humanist. I place myself on the side of the anarchists of praxis. In the battle for a free life without leaders and minions, […]
When the prison bars stop our hands from throwing the fire of anarchy into the world of power, our words become the sharp rasp of our escape. We arm them with thoughts, desires, secret plans, new conspiracies, and we turn them into our warmest embrace in our imaginary meeting with […]
The anarchist prisoners Eat and Billy are comrades of the Long-Live Luciano Tortuga Cell / Informal Anarchist Federation, Indonesia Section, who are currently in prison before trial, having taken responsibility for setting fire to a BRI ATM bank in Yogyakarta on 7th of October ’11, by causing an explosion. The […]
We more or less know the facts. On Monday, September 12th, comrades Gerasimos Tsakalos and Panagiotis Argirou after having been transferred to Koridallos prisons for a formal council were transferred back to Domokos prisons. Both refused to undergo the humiliation of inner-body search, and were violently attacked there by humanguards […]