received on 27.01.18 A small video on various attacks by anarchists in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia (BUR) from 2008 to 2017. By attacks we mean destruction or damage to enemy property – buildings, premises, cars, construction equipment, objects, etc. Anarchist militant resistance continues! portuguese
Greetings from Berlin to Athens We, individuals and groups from the Rigaer Street, welcome the initiative to start a discussion about an insurrection and fill it with experiences from the past, current theories and practical possibilities. This is how we understood the call for the insurrection festival ( in Athens. […]
received 08/09/17 Destroy Sergeantina!!! Those are not just words: we reached the “level” of direct action and they lie about us because they fear us. Not everything that happens hits the system’s newspapers! Even ours! And everything runs really fast, comrades. Revolutionary vertigo, which shakes up the heart: it was […]
Click image to read/download Avalanche no° 7 in English French & German versions are also available, on For copies, contact: correspondance[at]
“I would also point out that arson is the least-solved crime in the United States, and that gasoline is really cheap, and matches are free.” Sean Swain, longterm anarchist prisoner; excerpt from his text for Black December On Saturday night, early Sunday December 13th, we chose to carry out an […]
Dear comrades Avalanche n° 6 just came out in English and French. Copies of the issue can be requested by sending a mail to correspondance[at]riseup[dot]net or by downloading it on the website. anarchist greetings
A Black December initiative of comrades from Rethymno, on the island of Crete, responded to the Black December proposal by anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos and CCF imprisoned anarchist Panagiotis Argirou. Furthermore, wanting to revive the memories and practices of December ’08, they have invited individualities and collectives from the island […]
Comrades coming from various geographies and different paths of struggle, yet having the same longing for the diffusion of anarchist offensive, support the call for a Black December published by brothers held in prisons of the Greek democracy. We call for the revival of the black memory of our dead […]
I hate the individual who bends his body under the weight of an unknown power, of some X, of a god. I hate, I say, all those who, surrendering to others, out of fear, out of resignation, a part of their power as a man, are not only crushed themselves […]
To the customers Insurrection and Doublethink To those who… To those for whom the end of civilization is a bookstore or grocery business; To those who consider insurrection as a breach in the monopoly of falsehood, representation, power; To those who are able to sense that behind the dense fog […]
Dear comrades Avalanche n° 5 just came out in English and French. The German edition will soon follow. Copies of the issue can be requested by sending a mail to correspondance[at]riseup[dot]net or by downloading it on the website. anarchist greetings