In Athens alone, the squats live under constant threat of fascists and police. Organized neo-Nazi gangs attack repeatedly occupied projects with arsons, backed by the police. The Greek police tend to launch vengeful attacks on squats whenever riots break out. Very little money is available for the building maintenance of […]
During the night to October 3rd, we made a gift to the German economy. We attacked several vehicles with incendiaries at a site of Deutsche Telekom in Lichtenberg, Berlin. We selected the date for this action in reference to the trial against the organization Revolutionary Struggle which begins on October […]
Like last year, the Libertäre Netzwerk Dresden (Dresden Libertarian Network) along with various initiatives and groups plans to organize a full week of presentations, workshops, discussions, demonstrations, street festivals and much more. That’s why we need your help. Unlike last time, we want to work in aspect-oriented ways and set […]
This year Anarchistischer Funke (Anarchist Spark) and Schwarze Katze (Black Cat) put up a stand together at the Friedensfestival (Peace Festival) in Iserlohn, that is held as a counter-event to the local Schützenfest —a ‘marksmen’s festival’ which includes a target shooting competition. With two banners, we made the most significant problems […]