June 11, 2016 (A statement for the June 11th International Day of Solidarity with Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners) First, I’d like to give warm revolutionary greetings to all those who have shown solidarity and supported me. Without that solidarity and support, I don’t know how I would have survived for so […]
deaths in prison
The new issue of “Wildfire” is out now. Download PDF here. It seems fitting that we are releasing this issue now, in December. Following the letter from imprisoned anarchists in Greece and the call for international activity, Black December rages on, writing the memory of our fallen comrades with words, […]
Black December in memory of our fallen comrades Just as a worm struggles in resistance against the foot that crushes it so do we anarchists struggle and fight for the total destruction of a world system of coercive authority and domination in all of its manifestations and that wants to […]
March 25th 2015 at approximately 13:00 local time Another prisoner in Domokos has been killed at the hands of the State. A prisoner of Pakistani origin in Domokos type C prison requested to be transferred to a hospital but instead he was taken from the E2 wing and placed in […]
Below is a text (see German version here) about Rainer’s situation. He is currently held in isolation in a forensic psychiatric institution in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Last summer, he participated in a solidarity hunger strike for the prisoners’ struggles in Greece. He recently attempted to escape from the psychiatric facility. […]
In the night to Saturday, February 21st, we attacked the cop station at the Waisenhausplatz, the Bern’s regional prison office and the police cars that were parked there. With paints, sprays and smashed windows we expressed our rage against this sick system. – Due to racial prejudice the puppets of state […]
Many of us are spontaneously and long since aware of it: prisons are places of ethical, humane, moral and cultural decay. There is no desire for life, freedom, humaneness conveyed there but instead the guards and any other staff treat the detainees as dead objects; they manage people as piece […]
On Monday, March 31st, 2014, men incarcerated in the A wing as well as women inmates of Koridallos prisons refused to return to the cells after the end of time on prison yards, staying outside for one hour (from 11am to 12pm) as a sign of mourning and rage over […]
Fire and flames at the home of the prison director of Bruges – In the night of Wednesday the 11th December 2013, an arson struck the house of Jurgen van Poecke, director of the prison of Bruges. His two cars, an Audi and a Citroën, parked in front of his […]
by Organización Fraternal Negra Hondureña, OFRANEH Last Tuesday night, February 14th, the penitentiary centre at Comayagua burned down, with the deplorable result of more than 355 charred prisoners. This is the third time in less than 10 years that horrific fires take the lives of hundreds of prisoners; many of […]