An offensive news report was widely spread in September 2012 linking ‘suspects’ among others with the 7th of May shooting of Adinolfi, the CEO of Italian nuclear firm Ansaldo Nucleare. Below are some reflections of a comrade on the slanderous mention of his name in the bourgeois Press. I am writing […]
On December 28th, 2012 some comrades in Goa raised a banner in solidarity with Villa Amalias that is under eviction by the uniformed guardians of the establishment. Our purpose was counter-information at an international level. SOLIDARITY TO VILLA AMALIAS 10, 100, THOUSANDS SQUATS Solidarians from Goa, India
Police raid and search at the Athens University of Economics and Business (ASOEE) on Patission street, 28.12.2012 From the outset, this police operation was used to repress the political hangouts in the faculty of ASOEE. After the raid on Villa Amalias squat on December 20th, the State chose to strike […]
On Thursday, December 20th, 2012 Nikos Stavrakakis, president of the POSDEP (the so-called Pan-Hellenic Federation of University Professors–Researchers’ Associations), made sobbing statements about the occurrence of violence inside Greece’s faculties, asking the State to wipe away any occupied space in universities but also to get rid of Indymedia Athens. These […]
December 21st, 2012 “When praxis meets theory…” Four years later, murders, tortures, imprisonments and prosecutions of fighters are continued at the hands of the State. State repression unfolds itself in all its glory, from the daily 8pm news bulletins to the streets where cops prevail. Fascism is alive and being […]
11 years of Indymedia Athens 11 years of self-organized anti-commercial counter-information We overthrow the communication structures of the existent to open the way to a new society On Saturday, December 1st, by 20.30pm, a DIY live concert will be held in the Polytechnic School (entrance from Stournari Street, Athens) for the […]
On November 19th, our comrades from ‘Viva La Anarquía’ transmitted that Luciano Pitronello received a definitive sentence of 6 years’ supervised freedom, after the Santiago Court of Appeals rejected the prosecutor’s motion for annulment of the first-instance trial. Therefore, Tortuga is no longer under house arrest, but will be under […]
Anarchist solidarians in Madrid released two pamphlets which contain translations of summaries of trial sessions in Koridallos women’s prisons and political statements of prosecuted comrades, as well as interventions in the two-day event ‘For the Struggle and the Revolution,’ that was held on June 7-8, 2012 in Athens, and other […]
Contra Info radio broadcast ‘Beyond borders’ makes a comeback on Monday, November 5th at 15.00 (GMT+2), in collaboration with comrades of the Athens free radio station 98FM. This time, we will have an opportunity to discuss (in French/Greek) with comrades currently fighting on the site of the ZAD near the […]
On October 30th, at around 10am, anti-riot squadrons stormed the streets surrounding Exarchia square and violently evicted the housing squat on Spyridonos Trikoupi street. According to the initial information, approximately ten people were taken to the Exarchia police station, while the ‘legal’ owners of the building have not (yet) filed […]
17.10.2012 Since September 27th, in the 2H north wing of the High Security Prison (C.A.S.) of Santiago, Chile, prisoners have been on strike to protest against what they consider the humiliating and degrading treatment of excessive body searches on prisoners and visiting relatives. The Gendarmerie (prison guards in Chile), under […]