In the recent days there have been several solidarity actions in Belgrade supporting the struggle for freedom and autonomy in Afrin, part of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria (Rojava). Posters and writings on the walls appeared in several focal points of the city, such as the turkish cultural […]
Group of anarchists on the 31st of October left a banner on the building of the Philological Faculty in Belgrade with the text: “Against brainwashing, suck ups, future politicians and managers. Down with the schools! For free knowledge!” This banner was made in the context of current student protests.
1. Student problems as such, as specific problems, don’t exist. Problems that students have are closely related to the totality of society, that is, the totality of what represents the life of every student. Inability to pay tuition is not only caused by (ever increasing) amount of university fees, but […]
As an act of solidarity with anarchist prisoners, an informal group of anarchists dropped a banner which read: “Against the system of domination and subordination. Against prisons and the society that imprisons.” The banner was dropped from an overpass at the highway under which prisoners are frequently transported, which is […]
In February 2014, anarchists and antifascists from Niš, Belgrade, Novi Sad, Skopje, Sombor, Zagreb, Ljubljana and Rijeka carried out actions in solidarity with the recent rebellion in Bosnia and Herzegovina. “We support people’s revolt in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We know that a large number of our fellow citizens think the […]
As the events of 1990s in the ex-Yugoslavia have shown, wars are an excellent method for spreading the unhampered rule of capital. Whether the excuse was nationalist ideology (in the case of local ruling classes), or the ideology of human rights (in the case of the NATO intervention), the military-industrial […]
On Wednesday the 11th of December 2013, an unknown till then student organization planned to discuss the hazards of GMO foods in the premises of the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. Among others, fascist Miroslav Živković, coordinator of the campaign “For Serbia without GMO” of the nationalist clerical political party […]
On February 26th, 2013, in the context of the ‘Black February’ campaign, we hung a banner in solidarity with squats and liberated spaces, as well as with comrades kidnapped by the State. Forces of Capital and the State, in all their licentiousness, same as their fascist dogs, are attacking spaces […]
As part of the call for propaganda actions against repression, we placed three banners in the wider city centre of Belgrade. On the day we carried out an action (8.8.2012) there was also a football match, so the area was crowded with anti-riot police, a fact that gave somewhat additional […]
What comrades in Greece and Serbia share in common this period the most is anti-election actions ahead of May 6th, 2012, day of parliamentary elections in both countries. Voting means delivery of weapons during a waging war… Class-conscious counterattack, now and always. (Serbia) antifascist graffiti and direct actions against parties […]
Between the 16th and the 22nd of April 2012 we placed banners near the Greek embassy and the Hellenic Foundation for Culture in Belgrade as a symbolic act of solidarity with the imprisoned anarchist Stella Antoniou and four comrades arrested after the demonstration of 12th February in Athens. Stella Antoniou […]
Dear comrades, We would like to inform you that on February 8th, 2012, there will be a renewed trial against four members of the Serbian Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative (ASI), as well as two unaffiliated Belgrade anarchists, as part of the fabricated legal case of the Belgrade Six (BG6). The six Belgrade […]