Just as rush hour began on the 25th of July, a banner was dropped over a highway in Minneapolis, MN that was painted with the words “LOVE ANTIFA HATE COPS”. This action was taken in solidarity with the 2nd annual international day of solidarity with antifascist prisoners. As the Republican […]
Received July 12th along with the image: In response to the call for a day of solidarity with the Sacramento anti-fascists, and the call for solidarity with anti-fascist prisoners in Russia, some graffiti was painted in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota. This solidarity however does not exist separately from […]
[Received July 5th / Call originally put out on PSA] What was supposed to happen Sunday June 26th 2016 was a mega-march of white supremacists groups against what they deemed to be the anitifa threat to their “faith, family and folk”. The Traditionalist Workers Party, Golden State Skins and KKK were set to […]
Received May 25th along with the images: The wannabe nazivigilante group Soldiers of Odin have a little bit of cleaning to do. The neonazi leader of the group Mika Ranta was just convicted of aggravated assault and assault. Ranta, who claims to “make our women safe”, was convicted of attacking […]
FASCISTS PULLED OUT GUN DURING ANTIFASCIST ACTION IN KAVALA MILITANT ANTIFASCISM EVERYWHERE – Kavala Antinazi Saturday May 21 The Nazi thugs of the town turned up at the 10-day festival of the Technical Institute of Kavala, where they clearly showed their cowardly impulses; they smashed the car of the girlfriend […]
[Kavala, Greece] London Antifa Solidarity Tour / Talk + Social Saturday December 5th 7pm – 11pm LARC 62 Fieldgate Street London E1 1ES We will be asking for donations at the door. London Anti-Fascists are organising a short tour with a comrade from Kavala, Greece to raise awareness and solidarity […]
Remember Przychodnia: Fight Fascism, Patriotism and Militarism! November 11th, on Armistice Day, No Fixed Abode Anti-Fascists took the steps of Euston War Memorial against patriotism and for solidarity with anti-fascist and anti-militarist struggle. Two years ago on this day, the Przychodnia squat in Warsaw successfully resisted an attack by neo-fascists […]
In the night between the 8th and 9th September 2015, Sascha Rudloff’s car, candidate of Die Rechte (“The Right”) party from Eving, was set on fire in Dortmund. Last night, the Mercedes A-class with DO SR 1312 license plate parked outside the house of the Dortmund’s fascist, in 25, Friesenstraße, […]
During the night of October 6th 2015, we attacked a tavern run by fascists in Ano Poli (Upper Town) in Thessaloniki with Molotov cocktails. Let’s destroy the State and fascism with rage and joy.
Back to Heidenau, where the nazis are established… As long as the racists, motivated by a campaign of fear in the mass media and supported by hypocrite policies, gather and run riot in front of the refugees under the eyes of police, we have the obligation to stand in their […]