received 28.10.18 On 19 October our two comrades were arrested because of a court sentence given to them for taking part in anarchist protest against European Economic Congress (EEC) 2015 which was held in ceKatowi. Our friends where sentenced to community services because of the crime called “infringement of privacy”. […]
anarchist solidarity campaign statement about the accused In February 2018, a campaign was launched in Russia to support those accused in the Network case. Among the main goals of the campaign were fundraising for legal costs, organizing humanitarian support for the arrested and offering support to their relatives. The resources gathered […]
received 9/20/2018 Hello World. This is ABC South-West speaking. We would like to introduce ourselves as the newly-founded Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) group for Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany and its surrounding areas. ABC’s goals are to show solidarity with prisoners and people suffering from repression, to connect those affected as well as […]
Fire Ant is a new publication focused on spreading the words of anarchist prisoners and generating material solidarity for our imprisoned friends. Begun as a collaboration between anarchist prisoners and anarchists in Maine, Fire Ant seeks to raise material aid for anarchist prisoners while fostering communication between anarchists on both […]
Art and Sabotage – 1st edition – An event in support of the prisioners Special Edition – for our brother Santiago Maldonado, comrade Lechuga present! 25/08 – Saturday – from 2 pm “Kaasa La Gomera” – Barracas, Intersection of Quinquela Martin and Hornos Buenos Aires in Spanish l Portuguese
received 08.08.2018 –What is a prison? Prison is a material structure through which it is intended to inhibit the acts of any person who transgresses the conduct imposed by the State. Thus, punishment and the imposition of socially accepted discipline are the regime in which the captives have to live, […]
Juan Aliste Vega’s message from the Prison Hospital Our negotiations and tenacity inside and outside prison over the past four months have achieved a first result: on Thursday 19th July I was transferred from the High Security Prison to the Prison Hospital to have an ECG and other tests I […]
received 6 / 28 /18 In the early morning between june 20th and 21th, the Santander bank office of Ciudad Universitaria (Universitary City) in Madrid, was torched. We don’t need an international financial summit to hate and attack the Capitalism and its enterprises. We want with this action send all […]
Received on 15/06/2018: In the early hours of the 8th of June we immobilized an earth mover in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania at a new development project. This small gesture was taken in solidarity with la ZAD of Notre-Dam-des-Landes, France, where rebels have fought to maintain an autonomous zone, free from the […]
received 6/11/18 Today, June 11, is the international solidarity day with anarchist prisoners. That’s why, last week, we put posters up in The Hague, the Netherlands and hung a banner today with the text: ‘Freedom for all anarchist prisoners’. The solidarity day with anarchist prisoners arose to draw attention to […]