Appeal day 8: Tuesday, April 3rd 2018 9:00-17:00 (coffee at 8:00) Amtsgericht Mitte (Sievekingplatz 3, Hamburg) Eigth day of appeal trial – Peike would appreciate as much comrades as possible being present at the courthouse to support. Upcoming: Appeal Day 9: Thursday, April 5 2018 9:00 – 17:00 Appeal Day […]
Received 10-01-2017 Yesterday (30-9-2017) a manifestation took place in Amsterdam in solidarity with comrades who are momentarily in prison after the G20 protests in Hamburg (Germany) this July. After the manifestation a spontaneous demonstration started through the inner city of Amsterdam. 100 people took part in the manifestation in solidarity […]
The Vrije Bond from Amsterdam, has started an own initative of solidarity, to support the comrade, sentenced to 2 years an 7 months in Hamburg for having participated in the protest against the G20 summit in July. Money is desperately needed and could be transferred to the following bank account: […]
At the end of October, two collectives from Cologne and Hamburg will be in Amsterdam in order to exchange ideas and experiences about the local struggles for housing and the establishment of solidary structures in our cities and beyond its limits. Koze is the ‘Collective Center/Kollektives Zentrum’ in Hamburg, that […]
Received July 9th 2016: Last night we demolished 8 ATM machines in The Hague, the Netherlands in solidarity with the anarchist comrades accused of expropriation in Aachen, Germany.* On July 6th, a comrade was arrested in Amsterdam and is now in jail awaiting extradition to Germany. The week before, on […]
This morning, 6 July, our anarchist comrade was arrested in Amsterdam by an arrestatieteam. This is in connection to an accusation by the Aachen (DE) prosecution in regards to a bank robbery in 2013. The call for solidarity stands. We are fucking angry. Vandaag, in de ochtend van 6 Juli, is onze anarchistische kameraadin in amsterdam opgepakt door […]
In July 2015 our friend and comrade got arrested at a passport control at the Greek-Bulgarian border. The Europe-wide arrest warrant against her had been issued by the prosecution office of Aachen, Germany, on the 24th of June 2015. In Germany she got locked up under the ‘U-haft‘ (Untersuchungshaft) regime […]
On Wednesday 23rd of December there was a demo in the city center of Amsterdam for a black december. It passed through the epicentre of consumerism with slogans such as “Against normality and apathy, long live anarchy”. Thousands of flyers were spread, shopfacades were painted. reportback in Greek included here
Comrade Thodoris Sipsas has been framed for the tragic incident in the Marfin bank branch on May 5, 2010, indicted on charges that were blatantly fabricated. The court case is scheduled to take place in Athens in December 2014. A solidarity bar will be held on June 14 in the […]
“Silence is complicity” —in solidarity with and Squatters and anti-system warriors throughout Europe realize that inactivity among us will be the best opportunity for the capitalists to wait until the crisis explodes, and for the fascists to rise. This is 2013, bad luck. The only way to make […]
In the context of an everyday struggle against the existent, and aiming at the diffusion of factual solidarity with anarchist prisoners in the Greek dungeons, members of Contra Info translation counter-information network will carry out a series of events in various European cities, spreading information on cases of imprisoned comrades. […]