On Sunday evening, May 12th, in the context of a week of decentralized actions against torture and impunity (13–19 May 2013), we hung a banner at the gate of the Athens Polytechnic School, on Patission street downtown. The banner reads: “The trial against the torturers of Quatre Camins (Barcelona) began […]
2004 rebellion in Cuatro Caminos prison
3 posts
Friday, April 19 in Casal Okupat Atzur (Arquimedes street, 89 Terrassa) 7pm, Talk: Trial against 13 jailers because of tortures after the riot at Quatre Camins (the Cuatro Caminos prison in Barcelona) Exposing the FIES Regime: letters, poems, drawing, complaints… from inside Thursday, April 25 at La Reina de África […]
The exhibition/auction for supporting prisoners is an initiative with which we intend to aid all those behind bars through our paintings, drawings or other forms of expression, as much as we wish the extermination of any type of prison. We are not artists, nor do we like to commodify our […]