In the early morning hours of January 5th 2017, two Revolutionary Struggle members, fugitive comrade Pola Roupa and anarchist Konstantina Athanasopoulou were captured at a southern suburb of Athens. Anti-terror cops raided a hideout with Pola and her six-year-old son inside, while Konstantina was arrested in another house nearby. After […]
In the early hours of December 8th 2016, we decided to attack the Church of Prophet Elijah at Olympiados Street in Thessaloniki, setting fire to its entrance and interiors. This act was in solidarity with anarchist prisoners Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar, accused of an explosive attack at El Pilar […]
During the night of Monday December 19th 2016, a group of comrades decided to slightly heat up the urban winter by setting fire to social peace and apathy. With just 5 liters of flammable material and infinite hatred of all Power, we took to Patission Street, stopped passing trolley buses […]
Originally published December 21st 2016 on ‘Libertad Preses Hambach‘: “It has been confirmed that Hodei, Siao and Maya have just been released from prison. We hope to have more information soon.” ABC Rhineland also confirm their release and provide a few more details, here.
On the 6th of december, again a massive confrontation between anarchists and the police took place in the Athens district of Exarchia. Today, the area around the central square, the „platia“, is a no-go-area for state-servants in uniform. We want to present and discuss some waypoints of this developement. How […]
On December 16th 2016, the Supreme Court announced its decision on the appeal filed by the defense of anarchists Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero, who were each sentenced to 12 years in prison at first instance. Their sentence was reduced to 4½ years of imprisonment, in addition to 143,317 euros […]
In the evening of Friday December 16th, shortly before 20:00, we decided to pay a visit to the Piraeus Bank branch located at Canningos Sq. After smashing the ATM screen and the windows next to it with a hammer, we poured gasoline on the machine and torched it. Before leaving, […]
In the early hours of December 2nd 2016, on the corner of Akadimias and Themistokleous St. a bulldozer at the service of DEI electricity company couldn’t take it anymore and decided to give an end to its automatized routine. Before its self-immolation the poor machine reportedly said: “Solidarity with the […]
On October 18th 2014, from 2pm, an animalistic protest against McDonald’s was held from Plaza Italia to Los Héroes in Santiago. We calmly marched as a small bloc of punks and anarchists, who joined together with the desire to participate in that protest generating a spontaneous destructive revolt against the […]
Other brothers and sisters already said it a couple of years ago, today we reaffirm it. November 1st should be a day of action for animal liberation, hostility towards the enemy, propaganda against domination in all its forms; not a day of festivity for veganism. In the early morning of […]
The court of Aachen has set the dates for the start of the trial against the two comrades from Barcelona accused of expropriating a branch of Pax-Bank in Aachen in November of 2014. The court case will start on the 23rd of January 2017 and a total of 25 sessions […]