Social resistance in Exarchia Personal testimonies and historical background Video screenings/Audio documents/Photography and printed material exhibition 26/27 May 2012, Exarchia Square Saturday 26th (1850-1980) 18:00 The unofficial history of Exarchia: slogans, stencils, messages on walls. Open-air stencil workshop. 20:00 Narrations of the Axis Occupation (Katochi), the December-1944 events (Dekemvriana), the […]
ANTHOLOGY CALL – Submissions due by June 15th, 2012. Read detailed call out here (also in Spanish, German, Polish). Please distribute widely.
From its origins, the heterogeneous multitude of groups that make up the anarchist scene have generated and disseminated millions of papers all over the world, both to share their ideas and facilitate the cultural development of contemporary men and women. These have been the main reasons for its past existence […]
May 1st LIBERTARIAN BLOCK May Day is a day of struggle and commemoration. One more battle against the State and capitalism. A date landmark for confrontation which started in 1886 among strikes and riots, in a combative context against wage slavery and merchandise, and after that five anarchists were hanged. […]
Three posters for an anti-capitalist/anarchist demo on May 1st, 2012, one calling for a general social strike on May Day, another by anonymous anarchists, and a third by the Convergence of Anti-Capitalist Struggles (CLAC-Montréal). read also Anarchist contingent, Montréal, May Day 2012
This is a poster pasted on the walls of the city and seaport of Trieste, after the intervention of the civil protection department (Protezione Civile) in the Rosandra valley, located in the Karst Plateau —or Carso, a limestone borderline plateau region extending in southwestern Slovenia and northeastern Italy. On March […]
The 7th Anarchist Bookfair will take place in Dublin the weekend of May 26th, 2012, at Liberty Hall, Eden Quay. There’s a full schedule of meetings planned, as well as a varied range of book stalls and information stands from a host of anarchist and radical publishers and organisations. The […]
What comrades in Greece and Serbia share in common this period the most is anti-election actions ahead of May 6th, 2012, day of parliamentary elections in both countries. Voting means delivery of weapons during a waging war… Class-conscious counterattack, now and always. (Serbia) antifascist graffiti and direct actions against parties […]
The poster reads: Struggle for dignity and freedom inside and outside the walls From April 6th the comrades Giorgos Karagiannidis, Alexandros Mitroussias, Kostas Sakkas are on hunger strike demanding: i) the lifting of the arbitrary and vengeful pretrial detentions imposed on them by the Inquisitors Mokkas and Baltas after their […]
‘We sang along for bread, justice and freedom; together on the 1st of May!’ [vimeo][/vimeo] For a free life, full of communion and solidarity, for anarchism, for revolution… to Anarchist Revolution with Action. Click on the photo to read the English version of the call for the 1st of May […]
According to latest reports, a new wave of arrests and police raids were carried out in Barcelona and wider Catalonia, but also in Valencia and the Basque Country. Here follow two calls/posters for the upcoming demo in solidarity with the arrestees of March 29th. RELEASE IMPRISONED STRIKERS – ACQUIT DETAINEES […]