Anarchist solidarians in Madrid released two pamphlets which contain translations of summaries of trial sessions in Koridallos women’s prisons and political statements of prosecuted comrades, as well as interventions in the two-day event ‘For the Struggle and the Revolution,’ that was held on June 7-8, 2012 in Athens, and other […]
Yet another year, making this the tenth edition, those of us who have been planning the Anarchist Bookfair in Madrid decided to again make possible this convergence for the exchange of resources, experiences and communication that advocates for a different way of understanding reality and practicing subversion. Like every year, […]
A few words on the projects of residents in the district: The popular assembly of Petralona–Thissio–Koukaki stands as a collective activity since November 2002. After several interruptions throughout a journey of 10 years, in which we have dealt with various different matters, the assembly’s participants continue to meet, discuss, decide and […]
To the developers, the ZAD is merely a ‘deferred development zone’ since decades. To fighters, this is a zone to be defended (Zone À Défendre). Either way, the space is located in the countryside north of Nantes, in France. According to the Power, it should make way for industrialist plans, […]
Wednesday, October 24: 18.00 Lecture/discussion: “Tortures and deaths in prison” Thursday, October 25: 18.00 Lecture/discussion: “Refusal to pay fines” Friday, October 26: 17.00 Gathering against prisons (Liceo Square) 19.00 Lecture/discussion: “Prison=Torture” 21.00 Pro-prisoner soli-snacks and screening of “Okupem silenci aqui es tortura” GATHERING AGAINST PRISONS Friday, October 26 at 17.00h […]
Soiree of financial aid to antifascists in Greece who were arrested and tortured by the police after a clash with militias of the Golden Dawn (30/9). Vegan meals – Free price Saturday, October 20th, 2012 at 20.00pm (local time) at the Bokal Royal in Brussels (Belgium) Search for the 7 […]
The poster reads: IF YOU TOLERATE FASCISM TODAY IT WILL CAUSE YOU TO SUFFER TOMORROW On Saturday, September 29th, the local MP of the Golden Dawn P.Iliopoulos was spotted on Dimitriados street, in the city of Volos. A person started to argue verbally with him because of the MP’s fascist […]
Solidarity with anarchist Babis Tsilianidis The trial against anarchist Babis Tsilianidis is scheduled for October 15th, 2012, in Thessaloniki courts. The comrade is accused of an armed robbery which took place at the accounting department of the AHEPA hospital (in July 2010). The evidence that resulted in his third consecutive […]
September 25th, 2012 An Open Letter to Striking Prisoners in Greece We, the Red and Black Umbrella Anarchist Social Centre, wish to extend solidarity to the striking prisoners of: Larissa, Trikala, Grevena, Domokos, Malandrino, Komotini, Koridallos, Patras, Corfu, Chios, Nafplion, Diavata and Alikarnassos prisons in Greece; and every rebel that […]
Although this call concerns a party at a local level, this sort of initiative can give an example of self-organization, especially in what concerns free radio stations and necessary infrastructure: After years of self-improvement, ‘Radiozones of Subversive Expression’ (broadcasting on both 93.8fm and 98.0fm) aspire to advance our technical level […]
Read the full text of the call for 10 days of mobilization and international solidarity, from the 21st to the 30th of September, here The poster reads: BY ALL THE ENERGY NECESSARY! BY ALL THE MEANS NECESSARY! ‘They spare no “forms or means”. Why would we? Our moral is not […]
Our hearts are beating for Love and Rebelliousness. Beating when feeling alive, when doing praxis out of our lives, neither waiting for nor expecting nothing. Waiting is for cowards. Our wish of taking back our lives moves us to action. From Buenos Aires, in the Argentine State, we join the […]